[center][h2]K U R O M I Y U K I M U R A[/h2][/center] [indent][i]Silence[/i]... For a moment, there was an absence of sound within the assembly hall of captains. In this very area of two rows before the Head Captain Sendo, the main 13 captains and lieutenants of the Soul Society had stood face to face with one another, side by side next to each other. On this very day, it was clear that this sort of quietness was more apparent than it usually was. Perhaps it was out of politeness, perhaps it was to show discipline, [i]Perhaps[/i] it was the ongoing tension underlying within some captains. Not a single word, let alone even a single [i]breath[/i] had been exchanged amongst each other it seemed. Stubbornness, nobility, arrogance, even boredom or simply going on with the day -- here on this day most seemed to be at the edge one way or the other. No one had seemed to speak a word about anything, and there was some sort of [i]strained tension[/i] in the air. This tension was surely not apparent, however it was there and subtly known {especially among the Noble families} and finally a booming voice without effort had seemed to snap the divided captains out of their strained silence. It was the Head Captain himself, averting everyone's attention to his voice. On one side stood a woman with her hands folded behind her back. Golden locks of hair framed around her angular face, and per usual her expression was neutral and dull as if nothing seemed to interest her in particular. Kuromi’s hands were folded behind her back, a usual posture she took which meant nothing in particular, and her eyes slowly rolled off to the side -- eyeing not the man who spoke but rather the space behind her. Despite the voice of Sendo alerting everyone, her gaze had shifted over her shoulder momentarily before choosing to slowly look back at the main speaker of importance. Already, she had mentally reminded herself of her lieutenant, a child who was also a warrior and pondered for a moment while staring ever so slightly at Sendo, listening to only what stuck out as important. Because his voice was so casual despite being stern, she naturally assumed that there was simply nothing to discuss. [i]“... We will no longer sit idly by as we let the hollow's do as they please. With that, this Captain's meeting concluded for the Captains except for Captain Yoki, Captain Mogami, and Captain Mao. Otherwise, the rest of you are dismissed to continue your duties." [/i] Of course, after all the situation had been discussed countless of times from what Kuromi had gathered. Once dismissed, she was the last to move from her spot as her ‘curiosity’ had been piqued only for a moment. She took a few steps from her spot, walking towards the exit before slowly coming to a stop and listening in on the head captain for a moment as everyone else interacted while they were dismissed. [i]"Let us continue this conversation elsewhere"[/i] she heard, her lips only curving into a sneer of amusement. It wasn’t even a sneer which displayed a troubling suspicion, but rather a true smirk of amusement. She was entertained that few of the other captains had been pulled aside, and with those words from the head captain she concluded that her eavesdropping was surely not needed for this case indeed. After all in the end, the woman [i]would[/i] find out one way or another, however it seemed as though it was a strict case and thus she decided not to dabble in on it as of now. Seeing as nothing needed to be fulfilled, Kuromi wondered for herself what [i]should[/i] be done as she randomly began to walk around the boardwalks, zigzagging a few corners and even circling around an area at one point. The woman had this peculiar habit of exploring without a thought, something which was deliberate. She enjoyed exploring without thinking, it always lead her somewhere new and sometimes even sparked interesting conversations with anybody who just happened to come her way, so it was hard getting a proper hold on the female captain without knowing her whereabouts but never too stressful. A sigh of exasperation escaped her lips. Who was she to pester in the meantime? Everyday was such a bore-chore to her, and per usual she was always diligent enough to finish all sorts of tasks and paperwork as soon as possible. This had caused a great amount of free time, at least a little more than what the usual captains would have in their busy schedules and the blonde stood there with a rather blank expression.[/indent]