[quote=BigPapaBelial] Simon hung his cellphone from his chest, in a small pocket he had built into his shirt for just something like this, when on the job he would be able to use a headset, as he wouldn't actually have to be physically on site of the job. But he didn't have that luxury at the moment. He checked the mobile HQ van, finding the doors locked. He sighed then started to work trying to figure out how to get in. In the meantime he spoke to the other members of the group, "So once again, I'm s3c#un 3!g#t, or Section Eight, or just Eight if you want. Yes just the number. I'm afraid I don't know any of you, not a biggie, I often never meet the people I'm working with, I'm technical support and hacking not field ops. I don;t usually meet field agents." He hrmed then found a slim bit of steel, which he carefully inserted between the door housing and the lock ad carefully began to wriggle, "So, let's intro each other here. Get to know our skills and styles of work."He worked at it carefully, hooking the lock then loosing it again and again. Workers didn't seem to notice him while he worked. He spoke again, "So I'm guessing we have someone that works really well with disguises, Elena was it?" He hrmed softly, catching the lock plunger then with a push, the plunger popped loose and the door unlocked. He smiled broadly, "Alright, let's see what I can do with this. Anyone on the team good with infiltration and technology? Or am I the only techie on the team?" [/quote] Fredrik spoke up, "I can program and hack. Nothing advanced, as I only learned that technology existed a few years ago. I'd prefer to be team 1 or 2, but 3 is ok, too. It's up to the boss on this one."