I like a lot of the site layout, it looks nice! I have a couple of questions though: 1) In "skills/abilities" what exactly does "knowledge" means? Just general knowledge, like knowing why the sky is blue and that honey color and flavor varies according to the nectar source? If my character is good at talking to people could I put he is diplomatic/tactful? 2) I never RPed in a site like that. So there are several threads, "London, Surrey Hill, The South Coast and The North", and I should RP IC in the thread where my character currently is? If my character is in London I RP at the London thread? I know it was actually a lot of questions separated in two groups, but I thought it would be easier. Anyway, I will start thinking about my character. I have to study this week because I have a major test next weekend, but I will work something out. If I can't this week, then in the next I will write the character sheet, but I will start thinking about it already. Also, I liked a lot of the name of the RP.