WIP [Hider=A Villain] [center][i]The campaign of Harold, leading an army that included monstrous troops and dark magic users, was successful but left bodies and burned towns strewn about its wake. But, in the end, Harold had what he wanted; Baron William on a cross alongside the other leaders of the Barons' Revolt.[/i][/center] [B]Name:[/b] Veredict Daigon, Captain of the Red Fangs mercenary company [b]Alias:[/b] Butcher of Green River [B]Age:[/b] 57 [B]Gender:[/b] M [B]Species:[/b] Human [B]Physical Description:[/b] [INDENT]Thickset man of average height, with the pale complexion of a Northerner. He is usually clad in dark leather armor and a black, travel-worn cloak. Balding, with a nose crooked from repeated breaks and cheeks scarred with the telltale pockmarks of a Plague survivor, Daigon boasts a luxuriant black mustache, a bright smile of white (false ivory) teeth, and arresting green eyes.[/INDENT] [B]Skillset:[/b] [INDENT]A good-enough swordsman, solid brawler and a capable tactician and commander, Daigon's real skill set lies in the dark arts. It is rumored he can commune with restless spirits, with spectres and devils, and even summon the shades of the damned to do his bidding. Whatever the truth of this, Daigon has a reputation as a dangerous sorcerer, and deftly uses the fear this reputation inspires to keep underlings in line and employers intimidated.[/INDENT] [b]History:[/b] WIP [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]Psychological Profile:[/b] [INDENT]Witty and unflappable, with a taste for liquor and homespun anecdotes, Daigon is not without certain charm, often affecting bemused detachment to events unfolding around him. Behind the good humored mask is a chilly, manipulative intelligence, bent only on the increase of his arcane knowledge and might, a goal for which he is willing to sacrifice anyone and anything. Pragmatic, he is no gratuitous sadist, unlike many of the lunatic sellswords in King Harold's army.[/INDENT] [B]Equipment:[/b] [list][*]Red Fangs: a mercenary band of roughly ~1,500 men at arms from the North, the Fangs include savage orcs and beastkin in their ranks, and have a reputation for being savage marauders and solid heavy infantry. [*] One handed scimitar. [*] Iron buckler [*] a deck of Seer's Cards (tarot deck) [*] dented flask [*] several daggers, including a black glass blade from the Haunted City [*] small, pocket sized grimoire, bound in black leather. The journal of the fabled necromancer Vagz the Terror. [/list] [b]Yes, and:[/b] WIP [indent][/indent] [/Hider]