"What he said." Akemi seconded, pointing to her brother with what was in her hand; a chip, naturally. The chip made its trip to her mouth very quickly afterwards, while the other half of the Newtype pair mulled over what the newcomer had said quietly. Akimi was busy thinking. He usually was. Might have been about the person, might have been about the food, but her wager would have been on the latter if she was a betting woman. Or if she had much in the way of money to bet. People didn't fascinate Akimi. Still, what this guard had said was something approaching useful vis a vis its factual content, so perhaps it was a conversation worth perpetuating for at least a little longer. "We will not be here long." The female twin elaborated, making another chip disappear rather quickly. Such consumption of food seemed to punctuate her sentences as much as any mark. "We are present for our assignment to a new team. The lab shipped us here ahead of time in the event that situations moved the date of assignment up, but not so early that anything might go wrong." "Their caution might be my fault. We disagree on that."