Gobskag stared, frozen mid-chew as everything that was once Chengizz exploded across the surface of the table. Half a potato dripped out of his mouth before he had the presence of mind to scoop it back in and swallow, nervously. "Eennnhh.... Yeeeees," he croaked, working his hands together and darting his eyes from the smoking carcass to the Lord of the house, "Dat's us. Here ta help. Right helpful, is what we are, isn't we, lads?" He appealed to the others with a note of desperation in his reedy voice. "Ennh... here, let [i]helpful[/i] old Gobskag clean dis mess off da table. Oh, poor, poor... ehhmmm... [i]Grindlesticks,[/i]" he wailed, picking a name at random as he dragged the perforated corpse off the table, sending a few cups and plates clattering to the ground, "Took from us too soon, 'ee was..." [sub]"Just a bit to da right and he would of got da stunty..."[/sub] he muttered vindictively under his breath, grunting as Chengizz finally thumped onto the stone floor. "Out, out, brief wossname!" Long green claws fished expertly through the hobgoblin's possessions as he tugged the body into a corner, covertly snagging a few stray coins and a fat, glittering red ruby. Gobskag leered from the privacy of his tatty hood. Mad humies with guns or not, this day was already off to a right good start. "But, enhh, life goes on, [i]nehh?[/i]" He helped himself to another drumstick without bothering to pick bits of Chengizz out of it, eyeing the others warily.