[h1]Acheri Solomon[/h1] "Yeah, not bad." Acheri agreed, nodding slightly at Emily's remark. Then, after a few words, raised a hand in greeting again. Even if she couldn't [i]really[/i] see it, it was still polite. "Still trying to work out exactly how it works. And bringing things back is harder. But it's getting there. Hey, Soleil." Once the group started moving a little deeper into the building, guided by the stench of something truly, truly unpleasant, Acheri began moving the same way. Not until she gestured for East and Soleil to move, too. The group might be new but that didn't mean she didn't have her preferences for who she stayed around. Commonality didn't necessarily mean kinship. That [i]stench[/i] required backup, anyway. The source was pretty easy to ascertain, and Acheri's crisis of conscience lasted only a few seconds. The smell needed to be removed, and permitting its creator to actually consume it would be negligence. Possibly criminal, gauging by how it smelled. So exercising her will, and concentrating hard, she made the offensive pseudo food disappear. Unfortunately, the container went with it. But it was a step in the right direction. Speaking of steps, she retreated rather quickly behind East so that no one could pin it on her (plausible deniability), and raised a hand to greet Go on his way in. "Hey, Go. Got those DVDs for me to borrow yet?"