"What, for real?" Giko cocked her head and scratched her temple, thinking. She could hve sworn that those people earlier had been looking behind her. Had her stalker run off? Or maybe it really was just her imagination? Whatever it was, it would be impossible for anyone to make a move on Giko as long as she was with someone else. She replaced her sketchpad in her bag, along with the pencil. The other girl grabbed her arm and invited her along. "Well, if you say so... But is my face really that scary?" She patted her cheek awkwardly. Her skin didn't [i]feel[/i] chafed, but after sailing around you could never- hey, hold up, did that girl just [i]invite Giko to do something[/i]? Were her eyes not made of lifeless, vacant glass, they'd be sparkling. A person who [i]wanted to talk to her[/i]. Nobody [i]ever [/i]wanted to talk to Giko! Maybe she even wanted to be friends! Giko took back every bad thing she had thought about Loguetown- this place wasn't scary at all! "My name's Giko G. Gearbox!", she said over the distant bangs and crashes of the shopping district, stumbling a little but more or less managing to keep up with Claribel's pace, "What's yours?"