So, here's my character. Let me know if there's anything you would want changed :) [hider= Character - Maele] [b]Name:[/b] Maele Cutter [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Personality: [/b]Introverted, Maele tends to prefer the company of a few close friends than a large group. She can be a worrier, but tries as hard as possible to stay relaxed and roll with the punches. She tries to be friendly towards others and keep the peace, and more than anything dislikes arrogance and selfish attitudes. [b]Strengths:[/b] Strong imagination and eye for detail. Maele was a massive crime/mystery fan as a kid, and as such loves having a problem to solve. Having said that, sometimes she can focus a little too hard on the small things, and miss the bigger picture. She also feels that she can be a good leader (when she needs to be - it isn't something she would choose), and is decent at resolving conflict between others. [b]Flaws:[/b] Maele is a little slow to feel comfortable around new people, and this can make her feel fairly anxious in social situations. She is also rather introverted, and after long stints of contact with others, her mood can start to go south. However, does she tend to try and be non-confrontational whenever possible, and this means that she often bends to what others want, even if it puts her in difficult situations. [b]History: [/b]As an only child in a reasonably dysfunctional family, Maele formed the opinion young that you can really only rely on yourself. She got on well enough with her parents individually, but can't remember a time that they got on with each other; to her, affection and attachment seemed like something that could never last. However, she was also strongly idealistic - good things surely happened to good people, and so with this as a sort of personal motto, she set out to be the best she could. Maele did decently in school, but seemed to only have transient friends at different stages of her life, and often these relationships ended poorly, through argument or distance. After school, unsure and unmotivated, she took a job at a local bar and just took some time to try and work out where to go from there. At the time that this story takes place, it seems like things are starting to fall into place. She's in her first year studying Nursing at University; trying to turn that passion for good into a job, and she's also in her first serious relationship. Her plan is to get the degree and get out of here; her home in the coastal town of Newcastle, Australia, is calm and welcoming, but also boring. It's about time to move on with her life. [/hider]