[b]"Cap'n, if I may be so bold, we need a plan t' get th' pieces o' eight."[/b] Daniel paused to allow Avery to fill in the space. Weather she knew it or not he could see pain in her eyes. It was not a fresh fiery pain but a dull ache. Though she said she had been healing fine, it seemed to Daniel that the entire process took a bit longer than she would let on. ~~~ Amelia was practically giddy by the time she got to ring the large bell that would signify breakfast being ready. Back in England and in her home port she had found the church bells to be very comforting. It always amazed her how large and heavy they must be and how many men it took to ring some of those massive bells. The bell in front of her was much smaller but the same shape and it certainly had a look of heaftyness to it. With Scarlet's permission, Amelia took a small wooden mallet and hit the bottom rim of the bell. It sounded loudly and with such clarity as she had never heard before. It was different to hear it during battle, a short frantic noise almost welcoming the dead to the afterlife, than it was now. She enjoyed the sound much more now. ~~~ The breakfast bell's ring carried through the air and into Avery's room where Daniel stood. He turned his head slightly to the sound, wondering if Avery would want to continue their conversation now or wait until after breakfast. It seemed unlikely to him that she would want to discuss the pieces of eight in front of the entire crew at breakfast.