[hider=Aylin][center][b][h3][color=82ca9d]A[/color]ylin the [color=82ca9d]H[/color]untress / [color=82ca9d]A[/color]ylin the [color=82ca9d]W[/color]atcher / [color=82ca9d]A[/color]ylin of the [color=82ca9d]M[/color]oon[/h3][/b] [img] http://orig03.deviantart.net/c004/f/2012/220/0/3/warrior_2_by_wlop-d2c8vrv.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][b]Description[/b] Silent would be the first word use to describe Aylin. She is a quiet watcher of the night, she tends to keep her distance and interferes from afar. She is not the social type and minimises interaction with both mortals and immortals alike. She follows her own set of rules, and her own code, and feels that she has not need to answer to anyone else. Alliances are not something Aylin tends to have in mind - though she would prefer for the world to continue to prosper as it is than to be razed to the ground. Aylin is a calm soul, rarely one to anger, who keeps herself out of petty squabbles between other immortals. She will watch, and sometimes judge, but is rarely one to participate when she does not feel it is necessary. When Aylin does talk, a more rare occasion than you would think for someone who has lived for long, it is lacking in diplomacy. That is far from a strong side for her - and often her words can be harsh, and blunt. Unlike many she does attempt to be truthful where possible. Aylin is a young woman (at least in appearance), with a slender form. Her eyes and hair are dark, brown, and her skin tone a soft tanned colour. It is clear from her appearance that she is an immortal who favours time within nature over that of helping a civilisation. Her face is often covered by a hood, her clothing practical and made of leather or whatever would be readily available. A bow is never far from her side. Her face often holds a cold, and calm, look to it - hardly welcoming. She rarely smiles. [hr] [b]Powers[/b] Aylin's powers are far from the most powerful among the children. As would be expected of a huntress they focus around her use of a bow. Even as technology develops it is unlike Aylin would swap this for anything more advanced. She has an uncanny accuracy, almost always able to find her target even in the most difficult of situations. She has the handy ability of not using real, physical arrows - rather ones magically made and thus never runs out of them. She can imbue arrows with minor magical effects; putting mortals to sleep, poisoning them slightly and similar. Nothing major - her abilities are more mundane. On top of her abilities with a bow comes an uncanny agility; she is unnaturally acrobatic and fast allowing her to get to places most others would not. She has good balance allowing her to access and stay at the highest point of an area. The other part of Aylin's powers are more related to watching, and the night. Aylin is stronger under the moonlight at night - her ability with a bow is only better, she is only faster and more agile. She can see perfectly in low light, such as that of the moon and stars. Her vision is better than most even in daylight - she can see unnaturally far and sharply. Her sense of hearing is also heightened something, but not much beyond that. Along with her ability to watch comes a connection to nature - it is the domain she has chosen to watch over within the night, and sometimes to protect if she deems it necessary. This connection is hardly magical by any means. Her strongest connection is with animals - the bond of the hunter and the hunted. [hr] [b]Original Tribe[/b] Aylin's original tribe were the Narin. They were an isolated tribe of hunter-gatherers who lived of the land as best as they could. They live peacefully with the nature around them, only killing what they had to for food and clothing. They kept themselves away from other tribes and prospered under Aylin's watchful gaze. While they did not move about they hardly had what you could call cities - more a few small towns. They had small numbers due to not having many children over time and in general having their population limited. Somewhat backwards technology wise. Since Aylin disappeared they were essentially wiped out by more natural causes - disease and larger animals, and a lack of children leaving a dying population easily finished off by other mortals. [hr] [b]Faction[/b] Though originally independent, Aylin ended up joining the Angels a short while into the war. [hr] [b]Anecdotes[/b] There are few tales told of Aylin during the dawn times - as she was rarely seen by others. There are tales of people who died to an arrow shot out of nowhere for unknown reasons (often related to ruining their environment or unbalancing nature), however they are few and far between. However there is very little to talk about when her main role was watching. She did participate in the war between Angels and Demons. Her role was not a pivotal one and she did push or lead the Angels. Though an often forgotten role Aylin acted as a scout of sorts, using her unnatural sight and hearing to spy on the Demons and her speed to get out of tight situations. She did also participate in the battles that ensued - but always shooting from afar. So she did make herself of use as an angel, but the war would have functioned without her. [hr] [b]Opinions[/b][/center] [center][i]Eyra the Seer[/i] Aylin's opinion of Eyra was once neutral - though there were on the same side during the war between Angels and Demons, and Aylin's reports often went to Eyra, interaction was minimal. She respected her and the tactics she came up with. However that opinion has changed to be more negative after imprisonment. Aylin was stopped from doing that one thing she always did, watching, and in the time she was imprisoned the world has changed in a way she didn't like - all due to Eyra. This means she dislikes the Seer [i]but[/i] it would not push her towards starting any fights with Eyra. [i]Kinion the Fool[/i] Even in thousands of years Aylin is unsure what to think of Kinion. He is beyond her understanding, unwatchable. However she is not one to immediately dislike what she does not understand. While she doesn't approve of his chaos creation her opinion of him, overall, isn't necessarily negative. [i]Wu Dan[/i] Aylin's opinion of Wu Dan is overall positive, and her thoughts on him those of respect. There are ways in which they are similar - both content with watching. However she does also fear the power he has, which is strong, and would not like to get on the wrong side of him. Though she has a good opinion of him she would still endeavour to avoid him. [i]Therelon, Keeper of Knowledge[/i] Aylin has respect for Therelon, as he holds more knowledge than she could ever imagine. However they have not particularly crossed paths - they differ in many ways. Her opinion is just that of respect, and nothing more. She doubts they would get on if they met. [i]Tarthus[/i] He is one that Aylin wishes to avoid. Like all she would prefer not to die. She has, overall, a negative view on him. To him everything seems to be death. It is not something she can understand or agree with. She has watched him, a few times, but has avoided ever speaking with him. [i]Chinasa the Pallid[/i] Aylin has heard of Chinasa, of course - they were both Angels. She has never had the pleasure of talking to him. Though she has seen him, as she has seen many (even if they have never seen her; that is how it tends to go). She once respected the principles he followed; now she is not so sure. He is one to watch, that much is certain. [i]Azoth[/i] A being of destruction, Aylin dislikes and avoids him. He is more powerful than her, as many are, and she has a low opinion of him. She does not understand why one would want to cause so much destruction. It unsettles the natural order of things. [i]Nod, the Great Beast[/i] Aylin has respect for the Great Beast. However she believes he is too simplistic in his goals and too focused on fighting and war. While she does not have much issue with war she believes too much of it is not a good thing. However she would never openly say this to Nod. She avoids him, as she does most people. [i]Kozz the Forgemaster[/i] At the moment Aylin holds Kozz in respect. While her contact with him has been minimal she did once ask him to make her an arrow, one which could pierce through anything (as the ones she used herself were limited as normal arrows were). His craftmanship is fine and she is grateful for the arrow he bestowed on her. She doesn't find him as irritating as some of the other children. [i]Zhystkrexas the Corruptor[/i] Aylin has, thankfully, never spoken to Zhystkrexas. He is someone that she endeavours to avoid. Her opinion of him would be most aptly described as disgust - he controls and twists mortals desires. That is not something she approves of. She tries to avoid even watching him, just in case he should manage to influence her. [i]Kilgarrah[/i] Aylin finds the morals Kilgarrah goes by respectable, and has a slightly positive view of him due to this. However she doubts that they would get along well if they interacted more, as there are major differences from the two. Still from what she has seen he is one worthy of respect. [i]Ash, the Changing[/i] Aylin dislikes Ash for multiple reasons. Their ever changing face makes it difficult for her to pin them down if she wished to keep an eye on them. They are difficult to find and target. Along with this she finds their changes in personality off putting. There is little for her to like about him. [i]Kalikmalo Bramah Thalmen[/i] They fought on the same side during the Dawn War, but Aylin is unsure what exactly to think of Kalikmalo. As she rarely spends time with any of the other children she has little understanding of him; there is only so much she can learn through observing others. For now she retains a neutral opinion. [i]Nefas Sen[/i] Aylin does not have any direct problem with Nefas; though she dislikes the power that the other child holds it seems that any that join the Deep join willingly. As such Aylin's opinion of Nefas is mostly neutral. There has not been enough interaction for it to be more than that. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Ash][center][h3][b][color=8493ca]A[/color]sh the [color=8493ca]C[/color]hanging / [color=8493ca]T[/color]he [color=8493ca]G[/color]od of [color=8493ca]M[/color]any [color=8493ca]F[/color]aces / [color=8493ca]T[/color]he [color=8493ca]G[/color]od of [color=8493ca]M[/color]any [color=8493ca]N[/color]ames [/b] Current Name: Aislin the Young[/h3] [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/aa81/th/pre/f/2014/329/1/a/1a89d47e9007cdaecccfcd275805f73a-d87mtfp.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Other Personas][center]Some of Ash's more notable other names / faces. [i]Natural Form - Ash the Changing[/i] [img] http://orig11.deviantart.net/fcdc/f/2010/181/7/c/commission__farel_by_shideh.jpg[/img] [i]Ashni the Adaptable / Ashni the Assassin - Form on the side of the Demons[/i] [img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/c581/th/pre/i/2016/063/1/b/lenia_design_by_wlop-d8nu588.jpg[/img] [i]Alister the Defender - Form on the side of the Angels[/i] [img] http://pre13.deviantart.net/6092/th/pre/i/2012/104/c/c/faithful_by_sakimichan-d4w7196.jpg[/img] [/center][/hider] [hr] [center][b]Description[/b] Ash's outward personality is difficult to pin down, an every changing thing that switches with the face and name that they hold. Currently Ash seems to be more a good person, somewhat innocent and naive and kind nature. They care for mortals, it seems, and wishes to protect them. They act childish but surprisingly diplomatic for the age that they appear to be. They are not looking for confrontation with any of the other children. Ash's actual personality is an enigma even to themselves. They are incredibly changeable, with a mood that moves between good and bad at any moment. They are, overall, out for themselves. How inclined towards good and evil they are often depends upon the face they are wearing - as a person they are in more of a moral grey area. Ash has no qualms about committing bad deeds however does not go out of their way to do it. They do try to preserve themselves and do try to be diplomatic. However they're ultimate goal is true freedom which they achieve through becoming so many people. They want to experience everything to the fullest, to have every opinion they possibly can. They are willing to change with the times and as a result unlikely to hold onto old tribes or times. This means that they can be fickle, however, and may change their opinion of someone at any given moment. Ash's appearance does, of course, change. As a shapeshifter they can take whatever form they desire. They do have a natural form, however, one which they have not been in a very long time. This is of an average male mortal. There is nothing spectacular about that form. It is plain, ordinary looking. However Ash prefers to not stay in this form. His hair is dirty blond, curly, his skin fair and his eyes a light blue. The current form that Ash is most often in is that of a young girl, going by the name Aislin. They are short with slightly olive coloured skin. They're have shortly cut, dark brown hair and eyes that are almost black. The clothing they wear is often colourful and practical. They are almost always smiling, a cheerful and childish smile. However it is obvious they are older than they look. [hr] [b]Powers[/b] Ash's main power is of shapeshifting. They can change their body to any humanoid shape they wish - and are not restricted to a specific gender. This includes mythical humanoid creatures, such as elves. These humanoid shapes could be slightly different from the normal - for example a humanoid with wings, like an angel. They can also take on forms that are not humanoid, such as animals and other mythical creatures. However they can only take on these forms for a restricted period of time - that amount of time changing with how powerful they are. They can change form as much as they want, however - and often will. Changing takes time dependant on how much is being changed. With shapeshifting comes an uncanny ability to blend in and change. Ash can easily pretend to be others or adopt new personas. With this comes a more magical ability of copying - they can, to a small degree, copy others through watching. Along with this Ash's changing nature also helps create change in others and that around them. They can, through contact and magically, cause a change in mortals. This is often a small thing - for example they could cause someone to get smarter, learn how to do something or become stronger. [hr] [b]Original Tribe[/b] Ash's original tribe, the Shari, were a small group of people who revered them above all and believed in the every changing nature of the world and people. They were mostly nomadic, moving around with circumstances. If the fields where they lived grew infertile they would up and move. This was similar for any kinds of disasters that occurred. Individuals often broke off and joined other nations - often adopting the culture there though retaining their belief in their god. They also changed as their god did. After Ash was imprisoned they peacefully joined the republic; essentially blending in with the nations that were already part of it. [hr] [b]Faction[/b] Both, but mostly demons. As a shapeshifter Ash used different forms for both sides but in the end stuck with just the demons and got imprisoned as one. [hr] [b]Anecdotes[/b] Ash's role in the war at the Dawn was an interesting one. Their ability to take different forms meant they could participate on both sides. Ash, overall, agreed with the Demons; after all it would cause change and that was the one thing they always wanted. They're main alliance was to Demons and they acted as a infiltrator at points but also on the battlefield. On the side of the angels, as Alister, Ash was more combat oriented. They didn't make a particularly great contribution though. It was eventually found out exactly who they were and as a result in the end they were imprisoned along with all of the demons. There are many legends about Ash, however very few are about them as Ash the Changing. Legends on them are difficult to track down as they can be about any of the names and forms he has taken over his time during the dawn. None are particularly outstanding. [hr] [b]Opinions[/b][/center] [center][i]Eyra the Seer[/i] Ash dislikes Eyra. For them the ability to change and watch change, and to be free to do whatever and be whoever they wished, was crucial. Eyra was the one that locked them away and Ash will see that they pay for it one day. [i]Kinion the Fool[/i] Ash finds Kinion interesting. Though he acts the fool Ash knows there is more to him than that. He often causes change... And Ash has respect for that. They have similarities. [i]Wu Dan[/i] Ash fears Wu Dan and the power he holds. He would rather not get on the wrong side of this immortal as he knows it would only end badly for Ash. They try to avoid Wu Dan were possible. [i]Nod, the Great Beast[/i] Massive differences have led to Ash having a dislike for Nod. Though they do not wish to meet him in combat, as they would undoubtedly lose, they hold contempt for a creature so stuck in his ways that he does not accept the change Ash brings. [i]Kozz the Forgemaster[/i] Kozz is of no interest to Ash - as while Ash can fight, they do not seek one particular weapon. That would be far to stable for them. Their opinion is neutral, however, due to a lack of interaction. [i]Azoth[/i] A being of chaos and change, Ash's opinion of Azoth is mixed. They enjoy the change Azoth brings and thrive in that kind of environment. However there are occasions, when Ash's personality swings more towards good, that they disapprove of the way that Azoth does things. [i]Therelon, Keeper of Knowledge[/i] Knowledge is of no interest to Ash. For them they have all the knowledge they need; that of people, and being different people. They can get this just from watching. As a result they feel that Therelon's job is redundant. They wouldn't say that to Therelon's face however. They keep a mostly neutral opinion. [i]Chinasa the Pallid[/i] Ash knows that they would be unlikely to get along with Chinasa. They also know he is more powerful than them. Ash did not particularly understand him during Dawn, and he doubts he will during Dusk either. [i]Tarthus, the Three Faced Lord[/i] Tarthus can change his form at will, similar to Ash. However that is were the similarities end. Ash disapproves of Tarthus' focus on death. Why only focus on one thing, something that will never change. Death is always the same. Ash doesn't like things that are always the same. [i]Zhystkrexas the Corrupter[/i] Ash feels uneasy around Zhystkrexas; unusual for the shapeshifter can often force themselves to feel comfortable around anyone dependant on their form. The way Zhystkrexas takes people desires and twists them makes Ash feel uncomfortable. However aside from that he hasn't formed a strong opinion about the corrupter. [i]The Dragon King Kilgarrah[/i] Ash believes that Kilgarrah is too stuck in his ways and his morals. The Dragon King is far too honourable for Ash's liking. He knows that they will never get on. They can tell the Kilgarrah despises them and isn't in a rush to change that opinion. [i]Kalikmalo Bramah Thalmen[/i] Ash dislikes Kalikmalo, and avoids him were possible. They find his cannibalism distasteful to say the least and would rather not end up being eaten. However they would never directly contest Kalikmalo and rather goes to lengths to avoid him, to preserve their own skin. [i]Nefas Sen[/i] Ash has figured out Nefas hatred for them due to their role in the war, and meets it with a dislike of their own. Anyone who dislikes their changing nature to such a degree will only earn his hate right back. Ash is quite happy to toy with Nefas', and is not above using their changing shape to destroy the deep she is so attached to. [/center] [/hider]