Sended mine. No, she's not claustrophobic :D. [hider=Jekaterina Ankudinov] [b][color=lightblue]Name:[/color][/b] Jekaterina Ankudinov [b][color=lightblue]Age:[/color][/b] 21 [b][color=lightblue]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=lightblue]Appearance:[/color][/b] [img][/img] [b][color=lightblue]Personality:[/color][/b] Jekaterina is a silent, clearly depressed and resigned person. Jekaterina also likes to describe herself as uneasy, anxious, lonely, unwanted and isolated. She desperately seeks contact, but is terrified of potential rejections or bullying and rather prefer to avoid any human contact even if it hurts her in the long run. Taking into account that she has diagnosed PTSD, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Anorexia and Diogenes Syndrome combined with Bipolar second personality with Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Bulimia and Pyromaniac tendencies. Yeah, she's a mental mess. Thankfully second personality rarely if ever awakens and it only happens in extreme distress or straight up danger. [b][color=lightblue]Strengths:[/color][/b] Decent boxing ? The only hobby she ever had (or rather something her father pushed onto her). She has pretty good straight and hook punches (mostly she's counter puncher, so she relies on her opponents movement, before she hits back). That's it. She also learned how to speed read manually so she can learn something between constant abuse as fast as possible. Also she had decent talent towards languages (she learned english and polish just by listening recordings and reading books, which may be consider abnormal) and discovered 'talent' towards stealing once she reached the age of 18. [b][color=lightblue]Flaws:[/color][/b] Woohoo, where to begin. Most explained under Personality section. Add to this weak body. [b][color=lightblue]History:[/color][/b] If there was ever truly dysfunctional family, it was a family from which Jekaterina Ankudinov come from. Father police officer and amateur boxer which hided his dark disgusting secrets, which included truly aggresive behavior, alcoholism, constant verbal abuse towards his family and sexual deviancy, which unfortunately included sex violence towards his daughter, Jekaterina. Mother on the other hand was extreme drug addict combined with alcoholism, nymphomania and servant complex and complete loyalty towards her abusive husband. Constant rape, physical violence and verbal abuse practically made poor Jekaterina mental mess. Most of her time she spended locked in her house unless she needed to move into school (a crapload of make-up was neccesary to cover her bruises). Her shy and timid personality didn't help in school as well - bullied, ridiculed and constantly called disgusting also made her obsessive over her weight and look, which started to deteriorate. She was forcefully fed just enough to survive by her parents. Plus she was manipulated and believed that her situation was 'normal', so she hided her problems or just ignored them. The only thing which she somewhat enjoyed was... boxing and reading. Her father personally when he was in good mood brought her books and trained her (or rather showed heavy hitting on her body, but it was shockingly effective way to learn, she actually had talent towards something !). Why he did it ? She had no idea. Maybe he felt merciful ? Maybe actually he felt guilty ? Or he was just bored ? She never knew. Fun thing is that she never tried to even memorize the names of her parents or the place where she was born (she remembers that she is from Russia though). She felt it was... insignificant, just like her existance. But deep down her mind something started to grow up. Something... dark, twisted and clearly annoyed. Once she reached 18 years old, she read some books about abuse like "A Child Called It" by Dace Pelzer or "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson which she stole from bookstore. Suddenly she felt like her mind melted and started to be dominated by something... vicious. She knew that her life was a mess, it was unfair and mostly that she lost control over herself. She felt like someone suddenly took control over her body and decided to deal with a problem. One part of her personality was terrified, but second one felt free and clearly... aroused ? Bloodthirsty ? Furious ? Yeah, those were good words to describe her state of mind. It was like she watched situation from 3rd person perspective, it was unreal. Her body controlled by... something waited till the night, managed to tie up her parents (it wasn't too hard, they were too drunk that they felt nothing) and decided to burn everything down. Also they lived in isolated part of the forest near the village the name she doesn't even remember, which made this even easier. Once the smell of fire started to spread, her second personality enjoyed the look of fear on her parents faces. First one felt heavy guilt inside, she couldn't comprehend how this could happen, but maybe it was a chance for some change ? Gain a chance to reach some normal sort of relationship ? No... she was nothing and she knew it. And this violence proved it farther. She clearly remember the words which deep down still haunt her (although second one enjoyed it immensly). "Burn, burn you f*****ing piece of shits ! You threated me like trash, then you will die the death of trash ! I hope you will both rot in hell, I will just join you later !" And this was it. She left the house, waited for neighbours to move near, while laughed seeing house being burned to crisp. Once she gained control over her body, she cried, cried and cried. Police took her in, they decided that she is mentally unstable and ended up in psychiatric hospital. Slowly and slowly they tried to help her and she felt some... changes. But most ironic fact was that some arsonist decided to put fire under it. Why it happened ? She had no idea, but found it truly ironic how she would die the same way as her parents. Yeah, some part of her enjoyed this though, that was one hell of a death ! Once flames started to spread over her body, she suddenly lost consciousness and landed up in a room full of strangers. This certainly is something she didn't expect ! [/hider] If I need to add something or change, feel free to type it ;).