The breaks were a welcome break, seeing as Justin's legs were fatiguing at a much quicker rate than normal. He wasn't going to tell Cam that, of she needed to worry about anything else. His silence, then, was more of a way for him to focus on his movements, ensuring that every step he took was purposeful and directed. He found that he needed the focus even more with the constant threat of being in unknown and hostile territory, a combination that he wasn't thrilled about taking on his weakened state. Justin didn't ACTUALLY know if the symbols painted on the tanker truck were indeed warning signs, but the faint coppery smell that wafted through his nostrils when they got closer was a good enough warning for him. He struggled with interpreting the jagged lines and circles with squares in them, but again, the smell of blood was a deterrent. It took them a bit get past the trailer itself, seeing as the freeway led up to a bridge suspended by half rotten cables that swayed violently by the gentlest of breezes. Dodging under the bridge, they trudged through some ankle deep water before resurfacing on the other side and back into the forested area just off the freeway. He had mixed feelings about taking the paths off the main road, but it was either take a large risk by exposing themselves on the road or take cover in the jungle and pray vehemently that no one would hear them. Justin liked the odds of the latter. Justin had pulled out the map and was examining it to ensure that they were on the right path when Cam asked him about his parents. He looked back at her with a chuckle, telling her: "My parents? No, no. They were...wanderers. Nomads, in a sense. When I was kid, we rambled along the roads picking up whatever scrap we could sell to other settlements for food and supplies. They DID settle in Omega when I was about eight, so I suppose you could say that they were technically 'from' there, but they didn't start off there. Glad they settled in that area though...without Omega, I would've just been a vagabond without a cause." Another laugh as he consulted the map, looking to the road and noting the curve before motioning for Cam to follow him. "Just need to get up this embankment and we'll be right outside Hartford...I hope." As they found their way back to the road, Justin asked: "You ever feel like going to find your parents? Could always give it a chance. Never know what you'll find out here...besides, you're the exploratory type, aren't you?" He gave her a playful nudge as they emerged onto the road, the normal sight of rusted husks greeting them in greater numbers than normal.