[quote=@AlidaMaria] [hider=Ingrid] [b]Name:[/b] Ingrid Jorünndatter [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Image/Appearance:[/b] [hider=Ingrid] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ClFY0iP.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Siv's memento][img]http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0891/9522/products/B0158RUU72.01-A2COY84OCK6PLZ.MAIN._SCRMZZZZZZZ.jpeg?v=1450131937[/img][/hider] Ingrid is 5’3 feet tall and rather skinny after years of physical exercise and travelling combined with a sober diet (though she prefers the term ‘sinewy’). She likes to keep her long blonde hair loose when on horseback and hidden underneath the cap of her traditional Agoan hood whenever she is amid a crowd. Around her neck she wears a memento, a beautiful necklace given to her by Siv on her 13th nameday. [b]Title/Rank/Occupation:[/b] Hakaskar rogue warrior. Currently Thor’s companion and thus a mercenary and wanderer [b]Skills/achievements/etc:[/b] [List] [*] Above average dual-wielding and knife-throwing skills [*] A natural in the saddle and great with animals, horses in particular. [*] Average bow-woman. [*] She also -partially- mastered several essential survival skills (cooking, hunting, basic repairs of her weapons and clothes, gathering, haggling) while traveling for over ten years. [/list] [b]Personality/(Dis)likes/hobbies/etc:[/b] Ingrid never managed to develop a liking for the taste of crabs or the delicacy sandworms. To her the taste of game from the forest- and plain hunted and prepared by herself is simply much sweeter. She used to be very cheerful, friendly and compassionate, but the death of several close friends has made her grow more timid, silent, careful, somewhat bitter and cynical. You’ll find her lost in thought whenever there isn’t immediate danger or practical issues keeping her attention these days. Underneath that bitter layer, the old Ingrid still shines through from time to time with a clever remark and in her compassion to animals (and a rare few humans). She trusts animals more than humans and prefers the company of her horse over that of most humans she has met. Ingrid loves to sing the songs of Old she remembers from her early childhood and her lovely singing voice is definitely one of her redeeming (and only feminine) qualities. [b]Biography:[/b] Originally from the rolling western hills of Agoanes, Ingrid was enslaved at age four after a raiding party from Hakaskar sacked their seasonal village. In Hakaskar she came to serve the thane as a house slave, carrying out odd jobs and helping in the stables whenever she got the chance. She soon befriended the thane’s cheerful daughter Siv who was only a few years older, both caring little for the difference in status. At age 10 she was freed by the thane (mostly at request of Siv and after proving herself worthy), and started learning the trade of rogue warrior. Though never treated badly, Ingrid was determined to never let anyone have power over her again now that she was finally a free person, one of the reasons she never married. Through her friendship with Siv, she befriended Thorbrand when he came to Hakaskar when Ingrid was only nine years old. Along with a few others, they became a tight group of friends and their lives were relatively peaceful for a long time. Despite the longing she hid deep down to see the lands she had once called home, Ingrid never thought to actually leave Hakaskar for good. That was, until in the year of her 14th summer, when the day came that she lost her dearest friend, Siv, who had been like a sister and role model to her. Ingrid never accepted her death as a mere accident and she changed significantly, trusting hardly anyone she had known for so long. When it became clear that Thor (one of the few she díd trust) would leave, she begged him to take her with him. After some harsh discussions, he finally allowed her to join with him and his other companions on their travels. For ten years they roamed the lands of Mjors with their little wandering band, and never once did Ingrid give voice to her desire to visit Agoanes. The road became her home, and Thor and his companions her family. [b]Equipment: [/b]Hunting bow, throwing knives, the two daggers she uses to dual-wield, a traditional Agoan outfit she bought on their travels, her horse Ari which is equipped with provisions etc. [b]Other: [/b]Ingrid likes to dress in the traditional garb of Agoanes, a small homage to the lands of her parents. [/hider] [/quote] This character is accepted.