[sub][sub][h3]D I A N T H E [color=f7976a]S A R R I S[/color] [i]Palace of Ivalice[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][hr]The concern she held for the sleeping giant in the tank behind her quickly fleeted with the oncoming cronies entering the room. Position compromised, Dianthe backed up to her team, hand reaching up to the hilt of her sword as she eyed the growing number of Knights entering the room. While Ivalice had greater numbers, Kingsglaive had experience, and thus Dianthe remained calm. Nero's voice came in clear and crips in her head, and without a nod, the woman understood her following commands. Eradicate the enemy while avoiding magic? Oh, she could do that. She heard her commanders feet shuffle, and as soon as Nero charged to attack, Dianthe finally drew her weapon and did the same. The broadsword gave a shrill ring as it dragged against its sheath, glinting in reflection to the lights above as she held it out one handed. Eyes locked with the knight before her, she drew in close, jumping just in time to avoid a swing of a sword while she used their shield as a stepping stool. Kicking off the shield and jumping high above her section of Ivalice knights, she pulled the trigger on the hilt of her weapon and twisted in the air. Whirring with life, the segments of Ophian separated, stretching out by a wire at the center of each section as it lashed out in a deadly twirl. Crashing against the shields of three knights at the center of the squad, the edges of Dianthe's whip sword snagged their shields, throwing it out of their hands and slashing into their armored chest plates with multiple hits. Landing at the center of the squad as the three knights fell dead, her finger released the trigger on her sword as Ophian snapped back together with a loud 'schink'. For any short ranged fighter, this could be seen as suicide. Surrounded by at least a dozen enemies as she sat knelt at the center, Dianthe felt more relaxed then she did upon arrival to the room. This kind of situation was forte, and as soon as one of the knights made their move her head shot up. Rushing towards her with his sword raised, Dianthe swung her blade, trigger pulled as the whip sword stretched out and separated his legs from his upper body. Upon her move the rest of the squad rushed. Blade pulling back into place, Dianthe raised from her position and brought the broadsword up just in time to deflect a strong swing. Her body moved and twirled, almost dancing as she dodged and deflected a number of oncoming attacks. With a jump, her body twisted horizontally, narrowly avoiding two blades as they swung above and below her. "[color=f7976a]Whoa! Cutting it close, boys![/color]" Upon landing, Dianthe didn't waste any time with her following move. Trigger pulled as she swung, Ophian's whip form slung forward, gutting through armor and bouncing off shields as she knocked down a line of knights standing around her. From twelve to five, Dianthe had cut down the trained knights faster then they had anticipated. Rage was clear in their eyes, and unfortunately for them, it looked as if she was hardly breaking a sweat. "[b]GET HER![/b]" The roar of frustration had brought a massive grin to Dianthe's face. Even beneath the mask one could tell she was grinning, and with each counter and strike she made, the redhead seemed to have forgotten the seriousness of the situation now that she was pulled into battle. Her heart pounded in her chest as adrenaline kept her cautious and prepared for every attack they threw at her. The lack of action or field time had done little to make her rusty, and as a mid to long range fighter, taking on a surrounding crowd was her strong suit. It was obvious she wasn't taking the battle seriously, and as each dodge caused a cry of frustration to erupt from the remaining knights, Dianthe finally decided to put her little game to an end. Trigger pulled, Ophian whirred in transformation as Dianthe twirled at the center of the remaining Knights. In one final, powerful strike, the whip sword crashed against shields, ripping them out of the hands of the Knights as Ophian slashed and gutted through their armor in a barrage of precise hits. Falling dead just as Dianthe came to a halt and her sword snapped back together, the redhead panted softly beneath her mask as she took in the fallen unit around her with a smirk. "[color=f7976a]And that's that.[/color]" Adjusting her mask before throwing a glance behind her, Dianthe caught sight of Mirany as a Knight came from behind and raised his sword ready to strike. '[color=f7976a][i]Shit![/i][/color]' With great speed, the redhead rushed toward Mirany. Holding out Ophian as if she was about to cut down her own teammate, time seemed to move in slow motion as Dianthe threw a playful wink Mirany's way before swinging the tall broadsword over the other woman's head and stopping the oncoming blade from landing the killing blow. Without any stall in her movement, Dianthe kicked the knight back before he could counter. Rushing forward and driving her sword through his chest, he gave a cry of anguish as he grew limp and lifeless at the end of her blade. Tugging out her sword and letting the body fall to the floor, Dianthe turned around to Mirany as she threw the blood off her sword with a small swing, "[color=f7976a]Well, I think it's safe to say you owe me one.[/color]" She gave her teammate another wink, more flirtatious than the last but no where near serious. The battle wasn't over yet though, and as the rest of the team continued to take on the remaining Knights, Dianthe's gaze finally settled on their Lieutenant. If he thought he was just going to stand on the sidelines, then he was [b]dead[/b] wrong. Taking strong and confident steps forward, Dianthe walked slowly towards her target, arm raising and finger pointing out as the playful glint in her eyes was replaced with a more serious look. "[color=f7976a]Come on,[/color]" Grasping Ophian with two hands now, she came to a halt at the center of the room and widened her stance in anticipation, "[color=f7976a]You and me, neckbeard![/color]"