[b]Name:[/b] [color=f7941d]Gold Dorado Jr. [/color] [b]Location:[/b] Logue Town - Ad Hoc Clinic [b]Mentions:[/b] [@Poke] [@thespacephantom] [@Zeroth] [hr] [color=f7941d]"How does someone break their jaw by eating too much..." [/color] Despite the grumbling, the speaker was a happy man. Despite being a well traveled man, Gold had never stepped foot in the near-legendary Logue Town, and at this rate he was unlikely to leave. Business was good, and the more criminally-inclined visitors didn't seem to care too much if their doctor lacked a doctorate. All they wanted was to be fixed up somehow, and they paid well enough for the effort Gold put in. At this rate, he'd have his debts paid off in... In... Gold brought a hand to his narrow chin as he began to consider the debts, lips pursed in contemplation. Average income per year if the work was consistent, compared to the (estimated) grand total he had among various casinos, money-lenders and other such institutions, considering any additional debts he's likely to rack up with his bad habits leads to... [color=f7941d]"Three lifetimes."[/color] He concluded in a groan. Unless he made himself immortal, Logue Town wasn't going to cut it and it was only a matter of months until Sharks and knee-breakers started showing up. Not that it was necessarily a problem, but it was a nuisance and one which made life unenjoyable. For a man who valued his good life, staying in one place and thinking about his problems wasn't a life he wanted to live. So the matter of the next location came to mind. Where to go next? He elected to take his thoughts with him on a walk, moving out of the dingy, run down little room he'd turned into his surgery and clinic, cigarette smoke and the smell of mold hanging in poorly-lit room. Hey, the clients didn't seem to care about the conditions. They didn't complain, he wasn't going to spend the money to fix the place. Taking his very, very expensive fur coat off the rack (which he bought on an impulse a year or so back) and slinging it over his shoulder, he embraced the salty air with a deep breath, rolling his shoulders. He'd walked into a mess, apparently. A rocket-powered mess. The sight of a bug-lady, a wano-enthusiast, rocket-man and a collection of thugs made for an odd way to start the afternoon, but if anything it was just another day in Logue Town. One thing stood out to Gold though, above the other obvious oddities. They looked as if they were fifteen. Oh to be a teenager again, going from town to town, wasting the days away and... getting into debt. Mistakes were easier to make when you were young, not to say he did not get into trouble now, but he'd have less issues now if he had the same mindset he had now. Were these poor children, no older then twelve and without adult supervision likely to suffer similar fates? Regretting their choices in the years to come? The good Samaritan in Gold found its feet and pushed him to act. He approached the colorful collection with a confident stride, regarding the three with simple smile and calming hand gesture. [color=f7941d]"Swords, explosive limbs and antenna away, if you'd be so kind. Wouldn't want to attract the Marines, we'd all be in trouble!"[/color] He played it off with a good-natured chuckle, hoping to defuse whatever had occurred between them. If push came to shove, he could put them on the naughty step and hope the Marines did not pick up on the fuss.