Jane’s eyes shot to the floor when Rob mentioned being so close with Vicarious on the upcoming tour, something she had thought of all too often, especially over the past few days. She nodded as he spoke, laughing when he brought up the fact that they would have little alone time. “We’re creative. We’ll figure something out,” she nearly whispered as a smirk formed on her face. “What I said on stage tonight… that wasn’t directed at Zoe. I mean, I know she doesn’t like me, and it was super convenient she was standing on the side stage, but really…” her voice trailed off as she met Rob’s eyes. “I know she’s your, uh, your friend. I just thought I should tell you.” Jane shook her head as if to clear her mind of her thoughts and took a healthy gulp of the drink Rob had made for her. “Jesus,” she whispered at the strength of it. “Tryna get me drunk, yeah?” She laughed before taking another sip, then put it back down on the table and positioned her body to completely face Rob. “I’m glad we were able to talk about this.” Her voice was calm and quiet, but it was still confident. “I missed talking to you.” She scratched at her head for a moment before sighing. “There’s something else I missed, too.” Jane only paused for a moment before crawling over to the side of the couch Rob was occupying and settling on his lap with a leg on each side of him. Her hands ran through his hair for a few moments as her eyes scanned his face. Jane knew for right now, this would work. The energy between the two at that moment was enough to signal that. But she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like a few weeks from now. A few months. She knew she loved him and that it was an unchangeable force she felt. Would she be able to swallow her pride and choke down her emotions long enough to maintain a peaceful union between them? It obviously wasn’t working the way things were, but could she truly be [i]that[/i] unselfish? To eventually not want him all to herself. After kissing his forehead softly, her hand moved to beneath his chin, and she titled his face upward to look at her. “You have any plans tonight?” Her rhetorical question was whispered, and without more than a moment’s pause, she leaned in and kissed him slowly, choosing it as the vessel to express how much she had missed him rather than words. She had done enough talking. A few minutes passed while Jane remained in the same position, and she broke away from him to look in his eyes. “This is what you want, yeah?” They had both said so much bullshit to please the other that Jane felt the need to make sure that he was completely on board with what they had discussed. “I’m not trying to kill the mood or anything. I just wanna make sure.” In order to allow him the availability to speak yet not to put a halt on what was taking place, Jane’s lips had moved down to his jaw, neck, and ears, maintaining gentleness rather that becoming more aggressive as their time continued together. It reflected how she felt internally: like she was more at his will than the other way around. It was unusual for Jane to deal with the fear of rejection or pleasing anyone other than herself, and although now she had more freedom not to worry about it, it almost felt nice to [i]want[/i] him to want her. And the fact that he would probably start to see other people to ignited the desire to make sure that she stayed on his mind.