[@Bornite], [@beccaday02], when I saw it was in the UK I thought the same thing. I think it will be nice to have a post-apocalyptic story that is in the UK and not the US. Well, I like adding info about the location to my character's backstory as well, but not knowing world geography to details and living somewhere else than common locations for RPs is a bit complicated. Oh, and I posted my character application form. There you go: http://norestforthedead.proboards.com/thread/4/character-application?page=1&scrollTo=19 Hope he gets accepted :) Oh, and I know the traits I chose may look contradictory, but Adrian is more isolated, he keeps more to himself, but once you get to know him he truly is cheerful and funny. Edit: I took the liberty to search for these, maybe they'll be useful? Anyway here are two guides I found online. [hider=Infographic Guide for Zombie Apocalypse] [img]http://img05.deviantart.net/a4c4/i/2012/316/4/2/zombie_apocalypse_infographic_by_agent_42-d5ktfzl.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Another Infographic Guide] [img]https://www.visualnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/TimeRazor-Zombies-600x1875.png[/img] [/hider]