Even though Morpheus was no longer having a shared hallucination, his mind was still deeply rooted into obscurity. His eyes glazed over, much to the confusion of Lazarus who was looking at his brother who remained silent and seemingly unresponsive. Having absolutely no reaction toward the others gathered in the same location, all with similar gem encrusted items. Similarly, no reaction to the cloaked women revealing herself. Remaining statue like just vaguely listening to the background noise. Allowing Morpheus to catch the woman’s name, able to connect her voice and proceeded to almost blindly follow behind the whole group as they crossed the courtyard and entered through the pitch black entrance. With Lazarus following directly behind him, being the last one through. The darkness that seemed to drag on, made Lazarus start moving around anxiously, starting to let out low growling sounds. Becoming observably nervous, if it wasn't so dark nobody could see. Despite this, Morpheus hadn't spoken a single word making the least possible required effort to move. His eyes not even looking at his given surroundings from the moment he awoke. Stopping suddenly when going through the portal, even after the other started moving toward the large castle in front of them in the distance. Like he had been anchored to the ground. Only one particular thought permeated, the weight of those words he carried overwhelmed him the longer they lingered. He couldn't shake what had been spoken. Having the opportunity to release his brother from the curse that tormented him for the majority of his life. His very first actual movement being consciously made was him abruptly falling to his knees still grasping the staff in one his hands. Stopping himself from falling face first. Fiercely staring at his hands clenching them up into fists quickly standing upright, with a facial expression of complete disinterest. He quickly caught up to the group. Finally able to act normally, observing his actual surroundings analyzing what everyone looked like, not particularly enjoying the array of vibrant colors inside that was almost headache inducing. Especially focusing on the now revealed cloaked women who made that outlandish claim. Which normally he would of immediately disregarded, not trusting others or their words easily, yet something made him believe it. Finally expressing something other than being apathetic just as the fighting between the two individuals was starting. He wasn't exactly sure why the fight started, not actually listening to most their bickering that lead to it. Letting out a slight disgusted groan gently petting Lazarus's head and body with both his hands, seeing him acting anxious. His brother was still growling seeing what was taking place as aggressive behavior. Relieved when it stopped, starting to get pissed off that time was being wasted and that it was upsetting his brother. Tapping his foot impatiently getting sick of all the talking, he never had to listen, or in his specific case completely drown out, so much endless talking. Following them once again, until hitting the three individual doors with clashing elements symbols upon each of them, wondering what kind of nonsense this was implying. Only to be surprised hearing that he'd be living with someone else, looking again at women in question. [color=f26522]“Are you kidding me? You expect me to live with sssomeone elsssle? I absssoultely refussse sssuch a ridiculousss proposssition!”[/color] Morpheus shouted out, in a tone clearly showing his displeasure of the current situation. [i][color=f26522]“That damn women just left without a single further explanation, she clearly knows nothing about me! Talking to me, like she knows what I've been through. How can she so carelessly decide this? I will not simply wait around like a fool until I'm answered dammit!”[/color][/i] He thought to himself, letting out an annoyed growl. He didn't spend a single moment with the rest of them.[color=f26522] “I don't care what thisss bitch thinksss I'm going to do. I'm not will not idle around here! Come brother!”[/color] He exclaims tugging his brother's fur immediately rushing to the door with the fire and water symbol on it ripping it open, as Lazurus quickly followed though as he slammed the door shut. Morpheus at that very moment, knew very well that he wouldn't leave a very good first impression with his actions. Especially to the person he'd supposedly sharing space with, not that he really cared about what others thought. But the very idea was absurd, was she even remotely aware of how dangerous he was to others? Why couldn't he just of been left alone? Questions of why continued to fill his head. Clenching his fists tightly just tossing the staff aside on the ground, storming inside the room that was supposedly where he'd be staying. Lazarus simply starting wandering around curiously sniffing the place. But suddenly stopping in the middle of the room, his entire body shaking looking at his human hands. [i][color=f26522]“Dammit...that woman’s words made me think of every memory I've done my best to submerge in the very recesses of my mind. But now they're flooding out...tormenting all over again.”[/color][/i] Morpheus continued to curse inside his head, as his mind seemed to be pushing the very thought of the very beginning of his brother's torment... [hr] [color=f26522]“Brother, are you alright?”[/color] Morpheus exclaimed in concern seeing his brother on the ground rushing over to him and helping him up. Lazarus stood up quickly, looking upward as the helmet they both had on had a bright flashlight shining revealing their long rope. Going up barely able to see the entrance they descended from into this cavern. Lazarus looked around with awe inspired eyes, as one wall was aligned with shining clear crystals running toward the wall, they could clearly see their reflection. [color=82ca9d]“Brother, isn't this amazing?! We made a real discovery here...look at all of this.”[/color] Lazarus exclaim with a tone of utter glee as Morpheus walked over to his brother's side. “[color=f26522]Brother, this is the third time you had an accident on our trip here you need to be more cautious, I don't want you getting hurt.”[/color] Morpheus said sounding concerned, putting a hand on his shoulder setting the backpack he was carrying on the ground.[color=82ca9d] “You need to stop worrying about everyone else before yourself.”[/color] Lazarus replied looking around seeing something catching his eye setting his own backpack down rifling through it and grabbing a pickaxe. Morpheus looked down as he rubbed the back of his head. “What do you mean by that?” He questioned though he already had a pretty good idea of what he was talking about. Lazarus squeezed the handle of the pickaxe tighter going to section of wall hearing something calling for him. Lifting the pickaxe high up with both of his hand swinging it down with a loud sound ringing as it hit the crystal. [color=82ca9d]“Do you really think our mother will change back to how she was, before our father died?”[/color] Lazarus questioned with a bitter tone. [color=f26522]“Brother...of course, she just needs time-”[/color] He replies watching his brother lift the pickaxe and swing it harder and clearly less focused. [color=82ca9d]“No! That witch that lives in our home isn't our mother! She died along with our father. Every damn day you take your punishment, then my punishment because you desperately keep begging our mother to just beat you instead. Then every night you keep making excuses for her! Did you think that was making me feel any better? Watching my brother suffer than lying straight to my face?”[/color] Lazarus interrupted loudly taking one swing after another into the crystal wall seemingly making no progress. [color=f26522]“Please. Not another word...”[/color] Was all his brother could stomach to say looking down holding and squeezes his chest with his right hand, left speechless watching his brother starting to furiously swing again and again.[color=f26522] “I was just trying to protect you...”[/color] He muttered so softly it was inaudible. Lazarus finally stopping to catch his breathe, seeing the wall remained undamaged. Morpheus could see the disappointment plainly on his brother's face, suddenly both felt the ground shaking both of their feet, similar to an earthquake as they both gave each other a look seemingly to have come to the same conclusion, assuming the worst case scenario. Only for tremoring to cease and a perfectly spherical ball to drop from one of the crystal, touching the ground immediately rolling right up between Morpheus’s feet, glowing black strangely both of them could hear the whispering coming from the orb, seemingly pulling them in. Suddenly, a shiver went down his brother's spine, as he started backing away. But Morpheus stared intensely at it. [b]“Deep in your bones,you desire revenge...you just need the power. Just touch me and everything will change and you will have the power you demand.”[/b] A strange whisper speaks aloud that they both could hear. Morpheus looked down at it clenching his fists and started reaching for the orb. [color=82ca9d]“Brother, don't touch that thing.”[/color] His brother warned in protest but Morpheus didn't listen and grabbed the orb and picked it up holding it close to his face seeing his reflection, which suddenly changed turning his expression into twisted smile, changing his eyes to snake eyes which caused him to let out a sudden terrified shout dropping the orb. Hearing his brother let out a small painful cry, clutching his head with both hands, as his face was growing patches of brown fur. He looked in shock wondering what was happening to his brother, his first reaction was to tell his brother everything was going to alright, but before he speak. Incredible pain rushed through his body suddenly feeling like it was being slowly pulled in both direction, his bones were making egregious sounds as he could feel himself stretching. He started to let out loud agonizing screams, unable to bare it collapsing to the ground and thrashing around as his helmet flung away from him, tears flowing from his eyes crying looking at his brother who was leaning against the cave wall, also crying but making no sounds at all with a half fanged smile whose one arm and hand was entirely replaced with a large bear arm and claw. [color=82ca9d]“Don't cry brother...everything will be alright...”[/color] He replied as blood was pouring from his mouth. Was the last thing he remembered hearing before he blacked out... Awaking to find his a large bear right beside with glowing tattoos and eyes, tears streaming down it's face. Morpheus felt drowsy, his head was spinning, he had to be dreaming turning his head toward the crystal wall which was being lit up from his discarded helmet, seeing the large creature staring back at him where his reflection was suppose to be. Morpheus remained utterly silent looking at the bear. [color=82ca9d]“Brother...I'm sca-sorry for yelling at you...I love you...”[/color] He heard the bear struggling to say, choking out the words. But he didn't answer back, ignoring his surroundings and his own rapidly beating heart. Closing his eyes waiting to wake from this nightmare. [hr] Morpheus snapped out of his daydreaming, with the sound of his brother as he noticed his brother staring at him with his hollow eyes. Morpheus walked over to his brother and held onto him with both hands, with a single tear coming down from his face. [i][color=f26522]“I promised to always protect you...yet when you really needed me. I was playing the coward...you had to be going through the same pain. I was the one that cursed us both yet the first thing you told me, was how you were the one who was sorry...”[/color][/i] Morpheus thought in his head holding his brother. [color=f26522]“Damn woman...”[/color] He cursed aloud for having to recall that memory, however it filled him with determination. He would be willing to wait any amount of time if that allowed him to get his brother returned to normal, turning his head to see the staff he had thrown upon the ground.