[center]"So you are dead now?[/center] [center]Don't look so shocked. As if you didn't guessed it.[/center] [center]You will like it here, it is quite jolly.[/center] [center]Let me tell you the basics...[/center] [center]Lets start with the realm itself"[/center] [hider=The River][img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/307/0/d/styx_by_aniaem-d4ex5ev.jpg] That's how you got here. The boatmen, one of the silent type, is shipping every poor soul personally to this realm. Don't ask how that's possible when hundreds die every minute. Stop thinking like that if you want to have a happy afterlife. And another thing. Don't touch the water, don't ask why. just don't touch it.[/hider] [hider=The Forest][img=http://www.r3veblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/town_of_ghost_by_wanbao-d565oy4-600x353.jpg] If you get lost in this forest you stay lost for all eternity. Forget what you learned about woods when you were alive, this is nothing like it. The paths go wherever they want and sometimes disappear completely, the trees try to get a hold of your soul and the vines will try to trip and grab you. You can see poor fellas sticking out of the ground like a vegetable, sometimes only their hands or arms. They didn't watched where they stepped, don't help them it is of no use.[/hider] [hider=The White Plains][img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/116/e/2/life__s_finale_by_velinov-d3exbbh.jpg] If you go here, you are crazy. Nothing but silk and spikes. Let the creatures here get you and you will spend your afterlife in a cocoon. This is the one place to never go. And fear its queen. She is powerful beyond measurement.[/hider] [hider=The City][img=http://miriadna.com/desctopwalls/images/max/Ghost-city.jpg] I bet it is nothing like the city's you used to know. This isn't Brennenheim or wherever you came from. Does Brennenheim still exist? I don't know... However, this City is eternal. You might see giant towers, piercing the grey sky. It doesn't always look like this. The city changes, nobody knows why or how. Nobody really cares either way. Here thousands of souls live *giggles*. Here you can get thinks, here is the place to ask for answers.[/hider] [hider=Being dead] [img=http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130319231838/lotr/images/a/a4/The-lord-of-the-rings-the-battle-for-middle-earth-20041019023302940.jpg] Have you died horribly or smoothly? Can we still see the sword in your shoulders that killed you? Your soul looks like a young man, but at what age did you really die? You might think that you got the hardest part behind you. You are wrong. You are only a soul now, that means your body lies in some other Realm decaying. Your soul cant be hurt by sword and steel, however it is vulnerable to far greater danger. You can get trapped forever. You can lose your soul to someone else and end up as their slave. Or you can get completely annihilated from existence, only powerful beings can do that though...[/hider] [hider=The Rules] Everyone will write one character except you somehow convinced me otherwise. You are however welcome to invent important secondary characters (These could even be living) who are important to your character. Do not write for or take control of another players character and all of that stuff. This is my first Roleplay as GM so don't be to hard. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] -Name -Gender -Appearance -Cause of death? (Sometimes still visible) -Since when is he dead? -Traits -Background (Both living and dead if existing) -important characters for him?[/hider] (That is all i got for now, rest will be up soon. New Ideas are highly appreciated.)