[h1]Acheri Solomon[/h1] "My actions were for the good of the world." The (relatively) diminutive college student justified, glancing up at the much taller not-so-Native American. Acheri was entirely unconcerned by the (pseudo) threat, instead waving at Soleil again and continuing her explanation unimpeded. "Nevertheless, we are familiar with the unwillingness of your people to help. We are accustomed to it." After the doctor's explanation of the training room, however, the Hopi elected to remain in orbit around the walking freight train rather than move towards it. The last time she trusted anything this particular PhD said, she ended up with abilities she was still figuring out how to explain. There was no way in Hell, or any other religion's equivalent plane of torment, that she was being one of the first people to set first in a 'simulation room'. Not unless 'poof' expanded to include immortality.