[quote=@Camille Endora] [b]Name: [color=66CDAA]Maevah Morgan[/color] Age: 23 Gender: Female Image/Appearance: [hider][img]http://www.wallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20120524/tattoos%20women%20paintings%20assassin%20assassins%20fantasy%20art%20drake%20artwork%20drawings%20long%20ears%20airbrushed%20s_www.wallpaperhi.com_35.jpg[/img][/hider] Title/Rank/Occupation: Healer/Medicine maker for the Thane of Ballara. She also teaches or apprentices other healers, helping them learn. Skills/achievements/etc: Maevah possesses pretty much any skill that would be needed for living, such as hunting, cooking, sewing, ect. As well as an in depth knowledge of making medicines and healing. Personality/(Dis)likes/hobbies/etc: Maevah likes the quiet, and often prefers to be alone unless she is helping someone in need. She often comes across as broody and serious, though she is extremely approachable if you look passed that. As for her more complex personality traits, people don't often get close enough to her to know her on a deeper level. Biography: Maevah moved to Ballara when she was quite young. As she grew though, her mother taught her almost everything she knows about healing and medicines. Maevah learned well and learned quickly. Until an incident happened where her mother was in a deadly situation, and Maevah was unable to save her, thus creating her mission to help people heal one of extreme importance to her. Until this day she focuses almost all of her time and spirit to helping others, as well as teaching apprentices her trade. Equipment: Mortar and pestle, vials, knives, bow and arrows, ect. Other:[/b] [/quote]