[b]Silver Fang Frying Pan Plain[/b] The first thing that came to Fang's mind was confusion, he had no memory of how he got to their place, one moment he was in thick forest, the next he found himself on a desert like plain. This was to weird and he wondered where he was. After a few moments of confusion, Fang decided that he would have to meditate on what had just happened. He found a large boulder to sit on and he quickly leaped up onto the rock. Fang sat on top of a large boulder overlooking the hot plains and he had his eyes closed in deep meditation. His spear was pointed up at the sky and he let his energy flow through him. He was having a spiritual meditation for the purpose of communing with the spirits of his ancestors and seeing if he could get a glimpse of his future and where his journey would take him. It had been almost a year since he had left his tribe to go on his journey to find his destiny out there in the bigger world and he was still searching. His journey had taken him across continents and into many different lands. He did most of traveling on foot because he always felt that when embracing the beauty of nature on one's journey it was better to appreciate it from the ground and even though it made his journey last long, it felt rewarding in some spiritual way and it also made it so that he could encounter warriors to train with and grow stronger. After all his life was modeled after three prime concepts of his people the hunter, warrior and shaman. With them he will be able to find his way in this strange world outside of his homelands. Fang found himself in a lush green field of grass with a cloudless bright blue sky and a hawk flying far above him. His eyes overlooked the beautiful field and felt at peace among the green grass. The field was empty and he couldn't see any of his ancestors anywhere. Not every meditation would guarantee a visit from an ancestral spirit, but when they did come it was important to listen to them and heed their words. "Oh great ancestors, I prey that the path I am taking now is the one you have set for me" he said to himself and then came out of his meditation back in the Frying Pan Plains. The spirits had told him nothing of this strange occurrence and he wondered if this was their doing, but no matter he still had a journey to make even if it had brought him to this strange land. He jumped off of the boulder and continued his journey. He was waiting for a sign to see where his journey would end up, but until then he would keep on the move. "I hope this all part of the great spirits' plan for me" he said as walked through this strange plain.