[hider=Berserker][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Sinfjotli [center][s]If in day of doom One deathless stands, Who death hast tasted And dies no more, The Serpent-Slayer, Seed of Woden, Then all shall not end, nor Earth perish… …for one they waited, the World’s Chosen…[/s][/center] [u][b]Title:[/b][/u] The False World's Chosen [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] Berserker [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Sinfjotli is a strikingly handsome youth with dark hair and noble features. He is a large man, solidly built, over 6 feet tall and clad in a bright chainmail byrnie that comes down almost to his knees. His eyes, framed by a spangenhelm of bright polished steel, are grey and penetrating, quick to gleam with either mischievousness or malice. Despite his fine dress he carries a savage air about him, his skin while fair and smooth, is marked with innumerable scars. Across his back is slung the pelt of a huge wolf which trails behind him like a cloak. Its head reaches over his shoulder to lie upon his breast while the sightless holes of its eyes seem to still stare balefully at whoever he is facing. [u][b]Height:[/b][/u] 196 cm [u][b]Weight:[/b][/u] 95 kg [u][b]Alignment:[/b][/u] Chaotic Evil [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Sinfjotli is a moody man, kind and jovial but prone to sudden passions and wrath. Though he is often easy going when something impresses him the wrong way he is quick to anger, at which point he becomes implacable, unreasonable and merciless. He feels entitled to a great destiny and is bitter that it was taken from him, making him constantly sensitive to imagined slights. [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] Sinfjotli was born as the fulfillment of a promise. The Son of Sigmund's sister Signy of the line of the Volsung's it was believed by Sigmund that he was the fulfillment of the Volsung Prophecy, the ancient compact between the Volsung Clan and Odin promising that each generation would be stronger than the last untill it produced the World's Chosen, the foremost mortal champion of the gods at Ragnarok who will ensure the rebirth of the new world. The Volsung clan, always cursed with terrible fortune had been all but destroyed by the King Siggeir who betrayed them after marrying Signy because Sigmund would not yield the sword Gram to him. It was the family's lowest point, with Sigmund on the run living as an outlaw, and Signy bound in marriage to the man who had killed her family. Still the two siblings maintained faith and every 10 years Signy would send the son she had born by her terrible husband to Sigmund to test him and see if he was the World's Chosen. Each year however they failed the tests of courage that Sigmund set before them. When the ten year old Sinfjotli approached Sigmund the old warrior tested him by sewing the sleeves of his shirt into his flesh, and challenging the boy to stick his hand into a sack full of adders. Unlike his siblings however Sinfjotli neither cried out in pain nor shrunk back in fear. He passed the trials and every other test that Sigmund set before him untill at last the old Volsung rejoiced, for it was clear to him that the promise of Odin had been fulfilled and the World's Chosen stood before him. Little did Sigurd know that this could not be further from the truth, for Sinfjotli was a bastard and contaminated with incest. Signy, despising her husband and fearing that all her children would be craven if they were the sons of Siggeir had disguised herself as another woman and stolen away into the woods to sleep with Sigmund her brother to conceive the child. Unaware of this Sigmund raised Sinfjotli telling him of his destiny as the World's Chosen, and that he would win his glory by avenging the Volsung family against Siggeir. The two ventured forth into the world together, Sigmund training Sinfjotli in the ways of the warrior and growing ever more pleased as he grew stronger than Sigmund himself. One night as they were moving through the woods they came upon a pair of brigands fast asleep clothed in nothing but the skins of enormous wolves. Slaying the men, they took their wolfskins and found that they were capable of assuming the shapes of huge wolves themselves. Using their strength at arms and their newfound lycanthropy they fought against and evaded Siggeir and his men time and time again, at one point escaping from a barrow that he had locked them in together. Eventually they infiltrated Siggeir's hall, slew his guards and made an end of Siggeir himself, though Signy died the very same night. Though it was unnecessary Sinfjotli cruelly slew both of Siggeir's young sons. Though they were only children and he believed them to be his brothers he showed them no mercy, shedding their blood to further insult the man he believed to be his father. Having avenged the Volsung clan Sinfjotli and Sigmund ventured out into the world once more, wandering aimlessly for a while as mercenaries and brigands until at last they came to Hunland and with their band of outlaws captured the town and installed Sigmund as King. For many years they ruled together conquering all around them and slaying seven other Kings who rose up to challenge them in battle. The curse of the Volsungs was still in motion however, and Odin would allow no bastard to win the glory intended for the World's Chosen. Sinfjotli though the strongest Volsung who ever lived and a hero without equal in his time, did not possess the character of the World's Chosen. He slew to many and to eagerly to ever win the love of his countrymen or of the gods, and many in his father's own cort despised him for slaying their relatives who had marched with the defeated kings. Sinfjotli was poisoned one night during a feast, passing away slowly and in great agony. Not having died in battle nor earned the love of his countrymen there was no way that he could be the World's Chosen. The death of the child who Sigmund had believed to be the savior of the Volsungs for so long devastated the old man. Broken and in despair Sigmund carried his body out into a fiord where Odin was waiting for him to carry the body away. The death of Sinfjotli was the end for Sigmund for he lost the will to rule When the next king arose to challenge him Sigmund went into battle against his host and was slain by Odin himself, the legendary sword Gram breaking on his spear shaft. Because of Sinfjotli the true Worlds Chosen, Sigurd would be raised away from his family and endure many hardships eventually leading to his own doom. Though they existed a generation apart from each other Sigurd and Sinfjotli are brothers, hero's in equal measure to one another save that destiny favored the pure born child. Now intered within the Throne of Heroes Sinfjotli has darkened, his last days of dying from poison and the realization that he was not what he thought he was has filled him with hatred of Sigurd and his legacy. He desires to use the Grail to change his destiny, taking Sigurds place as the True Worlds Chosen before initiating Ragnarok on the world. Weapon: Sinfjotli wields an ornate norse broadsword and Dane axe at his belt, alongside a gold rimmed round shield slung over his back. He can fight with any combination of these. [u][b]Parameters:[/b][/u] [i]Strength:[/i] B (A) [i]Endurance:[/i] B (A) [i]Agility:[/i] A [i]Mana:[/i] C [i]Luck:[/i] E [u][i]Class Skills:[/i][/u] Mad Enhancement: D Strength and Endurance parameters are up. Language ability is simple. Continuing complex thoughts over long periods of time are difficult. [u][i]Personal Skills:[/i][/u] [b]Eye of the Mind (False):[/b] A A powerful natural sixth sense for combat that has been refined by long battle experience. At this rank Sinfjotli is capable of fighting on the level of some of the most skilled warriors in legend, quickly seeing through all but the most perfect of combat maneuvers and picking out his enemys flaws in an instant. Even when utilizing Mad Enhancement his skill remains nearly unaffected due to sense of self status vs his enemy being second nature by this point. [b]Battle Continuation:[/b] C At this rank it is possible to remain alive with deadly injuries, though he cannot fight. [b]Disengage:[/b] C An outlaw most his life Sinfjotli is a highly accomplished skirmisher, capable of evading even skilled trackers with a decent margin of success. [u][b]Noble Phantasm:[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Ulvskind [b]Title:[/b] Wolf Skin of the Royal Outlaw [b]Rank:[/b] A+ [b]NP Type:[/b] Anti Unit (Self) [b]Range:[/b] 0 [b]Maximum Number of Targets:[/b] 1 [b]Description:[/b] The pelt of an immense wolf made into a draping coat that fans out behind its wearer like a cape. It is the cursed skin of a wolf made by an unknown Galdrman and taken by Sinfjotli and his father from a band of brigands during their travels. Upon wearing it Sinfjotli gained the power of shapeshifting, able to don the form of a monster wolf. With the activation of this Noble Phantasm, Sinfjolti becomes a Monstrous Beast werewolf that has surpassed a thousand years in age. In his wolf form Sigmund is particularly immense, of a size never seen in wolves of modern times, and he is large enough to be ridden by smaller humans. His sense of smell and hearing skyrocket as well, enabling him to track, pursue or evade enemys with the uncanny skill of a beast. He gains a healing factor which enables him to quickly recover from injuries received via ordinary means, though he is vulnerable to Servants renowned as Monster Hunters. He also possesses a weak point on his neck which he cannot heal save with the aid of another. Because of his bestial nature however Sinfjotli loses his senses as a human, becoming capable of communicating only with wolves or other Servants who possess the Animal Dialogue ability. He becomes distinctly more bloodthirsty and arrogant in this form and will happily set upon and devour ordinary humans. His Master will maintain a sufficient connection with him to be seen as a comrade, but control will become difficult, even more so than when using Mad Enhancement. When combined with his Wolf form Mad Enhancement further boosts his ability, but results in a savage uncontrollable state that becomes extreamly difficult for a Master to direct. [/hider] [hider=Master] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Oliver Hallett [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 63 [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Oliver is a cheerful upbeat man with a good sense of humor that he balances with a sort of stern almost military charisma. He is friendly and outgoing with an open mind and strong sense of dignity. As one who has spent much of his life in study he is not the type to initiate hasty action and prefers to take things slowly and methodically when he can, as befitting of an archaeologist. [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img]http://ami.animecharactersdatabase.com/anime/characters/Old%20Man-from-Baccano-4758-2109034356.jpg [/img] Oliver is a tall man with a kindly demeanor approaching old age. He appears to have once been quite fit, though the flesh has begun to melt away from him. With high features, graying hair and sharp clear blue laughing eyes he manages to be a striking figure despite his apparent frailty. He is missing his middle and ring fingers on his right hand, though he covers this with a wood and steel prosthetic. [u][b]Biography:[/b][/u] Oliver Hallett was born the second son of the Hallett Family, a minor house with limited influence in the Clock Tower. He was apprenticed to a string of low class masters before eventually winding up the records department of the library, a place where little actual magecraft was ever employed. Oliver languished there for many years, reading and learning much of history and magical lore, but learning only the basics of magecraft. This continued untill by chance he was assigned to dig up records for a field Magi arranging expeditions overseas. Eventually Oliver became known to this man and joined him in his field work. He discovered the world of magic outside the walls of the Clock Tower working alongside teams of investigators, treasure hunters and archaeologists who were employed by the clocktower to hunt down magical artifacts. Oliver has since taken on a broad range of duties, primarily exploring libraries around the world, tracking down magical lore, and destroying documents which suggest its existence to the outside world. He also frequently ventured into the field to ensure that non magi archeological teams never remember the magical nature of certain artifacts they were searching for, instead returning them unwittingly into the clocktowers hands. Along with accompanying all Mage teams on their own digs Oliver Hallett has accumulated a considerable amount of experience As he grew older Oliver became more and more prominent among the Clock Towers field men, untill he was rubbing shoulders in his old age with the heads of the Archaeology department. As fascinated as he has been with his career and the places he has gone, Oliver always secretly hoped that Magecraft could be used to connect more meaningfully to the past. So it was that when he was requested to head a team to retrieve a certain relic for a prominent Magi in the Clock Tower, and Oliver by chance happened to stumble upon the reason why he became enamored with the idea of a ritual meant to return a historical figure from the dead. Taking the relic for himself he has made his way to Cusco Peru to take part in the Holy Grail War, leaving his client with an indistinguishable false replica. With inaccurate information regarding the war's nature, he is under the impression that he will arrive at something like a conference of academics to study the phenomena of Heroic Spirits under a careful lense. [u][b]Origin:[/b][/u] Reminisce [u][b]Elemental Affinity:[/b][/u] Water [u][b]Number of Magic Circuits:[/b][/u] C [u][b]Quality of Magic Circuits:[/b][/u] C [b][u]Od:[/u][/b] C [u][b]Magecraft:[/b][/u] Though lacking an initial reliable education in magecraft or outstanding natural talent Oliver has since made up for his spotty apprenticeship through long experience. While he is not an outstanding mage he has achieved proficiency in his old age, and even excellence in a few specific areas. General Magecraft [i]Hypnosis:[/i] Oliver is a highly skilled hypnotist having tampered with the minds of a huge variety of subjects over many decades in his duty of enforcing the secrecy of magecraft. He is capable of dominating strong willed individuals such as trained fighters, servicemen and team leaders, impelling them to do things as extreme as risking their lives on his errands. He is capable of maintaining influence over their minds for several days without refreshing the spell. He is also highly skilled at altering memories and other subtle mental attractions which are semi permanent. [hider=Healing]An accomplished healer capable of mending major injuries and specializing in curing diseases through detoxification which are frequent on expeditions. He is able to close severe wounds and stop bleeding quickly via accelerating the natural healing process. Depending on the extent of damage the strength of the injured will take several hours, or even days to recover. He is able to heal someone he possesses a magical connection to from many hundreds of yards away. Though he specializes in purging ordinary diseases from his patients, certain curses relying on poison or plague like corruption to deal damage also fall under his purview. He is able to quickly and effectively counter the symptom effects of such spells either close up, or from far away should a magical connection exist between him and his patient. He possesses minimal skill in the area of Spiritual Surgery. Given some study and prep time he could remove Command Spells from an unwilling Master roughly 25% of the time, 50% of the time given a willing participant, or a corpse. [/hider] [i]Bounded Field:[/i] A skilled creator of bounded fields, capable of creating a strong bounded field which hides its occupants from everyting up to A ranked detection spells, or extensive investigation. When triggered by a magi not admitted by him the field strikes with a curse which attempts to rupture the Magi's heart via blood clots. This would be of threat to only a weak magi, however appreciable effort will be required to either bypass the trap or defend oneself from it even for a skilled magi. This Bounded field takes nearly a full day to establish. He is also capable of constructing simple alarm bounded fields which warn him of the presence of prana dense beings such as magi and familiars. This takes a mere hour to establish. He is also as a consequence quite proficient in bypassing the bounded fields of others, and disarming similar inbuilt traps to his own. [i]Water Magecraft:[/i] Oliver has achieved moderate skill in water manipulations. Shrouding Mist. Oliver draws moisture from nearby sources, condensing the water into a billowing vapor which severely restricts vision down to a few feet. This mist can cover an area of up to 200 square yards, or the space of a small block. [i]Advanced Familiar Creation:[/i] Oliver is capable of creating superior familiars to the usual small birds and bugs. He is capable of maintaining many bird and mouse familiars as well as larger animals which he can impell to fight for him to deadly effect. Large predators such as tigers or crocodiles are beyond his capabilities. During the process of Familiar creation he is capable of modifying carnivorous or scavenger animals to become capable of experiencing extreme surges of adrenalin that double their base physical capabilities. With clever modifications he is also able to harden their bones to compensate for their episodes of increased strength. [i]Transfer of Consciousness[/i] The ability to transfer one's consciousness to a familiar or willing human participant, seeing through their eyes and communicating telepathically with ease. [i]Reinforcement [/i] Oliver is capable of limited Reinforcement. He can reinforce himself to a minor degree, attaining the speed and energy of a much younger man for periods of time around 20 minutes. [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] A 38 revolver, a briefcase containing his notebooks and limited reagents. 27,000 Nuevos Soles (roughly 7000 Euros) A small host of bird and rodent familiar scouts and spies. He possesses three dogs, large german shepherds who he is capable of directing as bodyguards and scouts. Their names are Foolishness, Ingratitude and Impatience. Due to [s]dog steroids[/s] manipulation of their biology from an early age, the hounds are all capable of extreme adrenaline rushes which result in speed and strength spiking to double that of an ordinary member of their species for a period of 15 minutes. Their bones have been treated with alchemic drugs specifically to endure the stresses of this. procedure. They are capable of this three times a day at maximum. Getting past these surely mutts will be quite a chore! [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] Minimal proficiency with pistols. Highly skilled researcher and historian on both magical and mundane topics. Skilled hiker, woodsman and trailblazer. Fluent Spanish speaker. [/hider]