• Name: Alteral Vir Mithran • Gender: Male • Age: 427 • Race: Elvin Vampire • Appearance: [hider=High Priest] [img]http://www.mondespersistants.com/images/screenshots/38372.jpg[/img] [/hider] • Gear & Possessions: [wearing] Leather Traveling Clothes Heavy Cloak Curved Steel Dagger Cross of the Sun God White Ironoak Staff w/ Crimsonite Inlay & Tip [in pack] High Priest Robes Bible 4 Waterskins (containing animal blood and anticoagulant herbs) 1 bedroll • Skills & Abilities: Along with the general abilities of Vampirism, Alteral can use Sun magic (at the price of physical pain). He controls his bloodlust with an iron will, drinking only animal blood when the hunger becomes too great. Alteral is a natural born healer, and still retains his magic. • Personality: Alteral doesn't mind traveling with others, as long as they are aware of his condition. He never lets someone trust him without telling them of his curse and letting them decide if they want him around. When someone does trust him, he is eternally grateful. He has an unwavering sense of what is right and wrong, and will never stray from his path or let others obstruct it. He never makes excuses to drink blood from an intelligent race, no matter who's it is. • History: Alteral was at one point the High Priest of the Sun God and as such felt it was his sworn duty to destroy vampires wherever he found them. Eventually he was outsmarted, getting himself captured. Looking down at him, the Vampires who caught him decided that death wasn't enough, and so they turned him into the one thing he hated most, and forced their gift on him. Now Alteral wanders the world, searching for a way to lift his curse.