[Center] [H1][color=Lightblue]Light[/color][/h1] [/center] Sometimes you hear of people popping into existence, usually from some wish or something. However, usually those people pop in non populated areas by the Powers That Be. For Light however, that wasn't the case. Popping into existence in the middle of a busy intersection wasn't the most healthy of things. At least she didn't get run over, jumping upwards to dodge the oncoming traffic, then jumping from car to car until she got to the sidewalk where things were safe. Passerbys who saw the act looked at her in wonderment, while she paid them no mind, looking herself over. [color=lightblue]"Weird. First I was... then I'm here?"[/color] she said to herself, making sure she wasn't hurt or anything. After playing a bit with her hair made of tentacles and poking her steam vents, she decided everything was fine and walked on, much to the chagrin of the onlookers who didn't know what to make of what they just saw. Looking at the cityscape in front of her, Light didn't give things too much mind. Not when there were new and interesting things to do! From shops to restaurants, to all the people; some paying her a little attention, others ignoring her completely. She wasn't too sure who pulled her to this place, where this place was, or why, but such things would work themselves out in time she figured as she went around the city, finding interesting things to do or to see.