[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/pHtc3YV.png[/img][/center] [hr] Ambrose watched the rest of the students and they walked in, glad a guy dressed in all grey had opened a window. He made his way over to it, staring outside he saw a few kids eating on Back Circle the large lawn out front, others were reading though not many people were still out, and it looked like the street lights were just about to turn on. He leaned up against the window studying his colleagues again, his lean frame giving of an unconcerned vibe, though that wasn’t all true. His mind was racing with the assignments they must have. According to the Doctor, these pills somehow enhanced certain aspects of the human body allowing them to do astonishing things, it was just hard to believe this wasn’t a military program. Maybe it was. Ambrose didn’t fret on that. Even if this program wasn’t some conspiracy, or made to go wrong from the start. It might just all go downhill, given Ambrose's luck. Though today he didn’t feel like fate had anything to do with it, this new power intrigued him, and he was still thinking about the skateboard and how he had just willed all the parts into being. Will was a funny thing. He’d seen men's wills broken as though they were twigs underfoot, others like dams bursting. He turned leaning on the window frame for support. Watching the others Ambrose felt out of place, he knew nearly nothing about most of them, and the doctor even less so. He watched as Acheri Solomon as she did her work on the foul smelling object. He thanked her silently. Watched as she moved over to most of the others, as they jested to one another. He couldn’t help but smile for a moment, but it faded as quick as it had come. Him and his friends from back home… his train of thought lead him down the worst of paths… even saying that, that felt wrong even still. His [i]old[/i] friends, they never would have teased one another like this group, back then hands would have been thrown. But this wasn’t back then, Ambrose had to remind himself of that. His gaze flicked to the doctor as he talked, he mulled over the thought of a Simulation room. How was that even… I don't know dumbass how does one will a skateboard into existence? Science. The Doctor did jazz hands as he thought it. Ambrose wondered about the doctor too sometime. He wondered if he was insane or brilliant. Ambrose’s money was on both. He wasn’t sure how this new power worked entirely, but he figured if he kept doing what he was doing he’d eventually figure it out. Probably. To Ambrose this sounded like as good a test as any. So he spoke up [color=Turquoise]” I’ll- ”[/color] He stopped suddenly as most of the people in the room looked to see the speaker. He looked none in the eyes, he hated eyes. Eyes held judgment, and he was afraid of that particular justice. He began again regaining his composure. [color=Turquoise] “I’ll try it.” [/color] He said as he shrugged unfolding his arms from in front of him, taking his weight off the window seal. [hr]