Rules: DnD 5E based characters only. If you need help making a character PM me, but I'd rather have people who experience with 5E rules. -The races that are already in the game are the most common races. Anything else is VERY RARE, as in extremely rare. You'd be part of a single family that was wiped out years ago. People will know you, all about you and your history. -This will not be PG13 friendly. There will be gorey aspects to it, killing and dying is common - Yes. That is Maine. It's going to be a small campaign, I might call it at 4 people max. Homebrews are allowed. Maximum post length 4 paragraphs, minimum 2. To join the RP: 1. Characters start at level 4 2. We'll be starting quick. Please do not commit unless you can post once in 2 days.