[center]Dawnstar, before boarding [i]The Courtesan[/i][/center][hr] Tsleeixth let out a sigh, Daelin’s news had not done much to ease the worries of the former member of the College of Winterhold. He couldn’t blame the Bosmer, after all he was only trying to ease the worries going through his mind, but the news that the entire town had slid into the ocean had only made him more anxious “[i]What in the name of the Hist did the Kamal do to make the whole town sink into the sea of ghosts.[/i]” He thought to himself as he packed his things into his backpack. He frowned slightly when something caught his eye inside of his backpack and, after fishing for it inside of his backpack, found himself staring at a small package “Huh, don’t remember this being here before.” He muttered to himself, his confusion only increasing when he found a small scroll inside of it. Unfurling the scroll, he saw inside of it a simple ring and that the scroll was -in fact- a letter. He quickly read it’s content, rather surprised to find that the ring was a gift from the old Pakseech. He toyed with the ring in his hand, surprised to be able to feel an enchantment on the simple metal band, but soon enough Tsleeixth’s lips curled upwards “Thanks Pakseech.” He muttered gratefully before he shook his head. For now what mattered was the people that were trapped in the College of Winterhold, he couldn't afford distractions of any kind. [center]Sea of Ghosts, aboard [i]The Courtesan[/i][/center][hr] While Tsleeixth was not used to traveling on boat, he seemed to have managed to escape the numerous maladies that seemed to affect the other members of the company, for he felt neither seasick nor did he had any difficult when it came to sleep in the vessel’s hammocks. Yet this didn't meant that the Argonian was having an easier time than those who were affected by their method of travel for he was constantly nervous about the state of those who now took refuge inside the College, his nervousness often making him wake up early in the morning to take him to the upper deck of [i]The Courtesan[/i], always looking at the direction that the Hold capital once used to mark or to stay up until late in the night staring in that direction. By the time the College -or at least it’s profile in the distance- came into view, Tsleeixth felt himself going crazy with restlessness at the pace of the ships even though it had only been two days since they had left Dawnstar. Yet the sight of the ancient structure brought no peace of mind for the spellsword, instead the fact that the nearby town that gave the College it’s name had indeed sunk completely under the waves only helped to cause him only further agitation and nervousness. How many survived? Did they manage to take refuge inside of the College? Did the survivors of Winterhold had enough provisions? Had they brought enough provisions to help the survivors? This thoughts occupied Tsleeixth’s mind as the three ships approached the destroyed city and the College that -in spite of whatever calamity had struck the city- still stood. [center]Sea of Ghosts, the coast of Winterhold[/center][hr] By the time that they were close enough to approach the College of Winterhold in two dinghies, Tsleeixth felt almost like jumping from [i]The Courtesans[/i] upper deck and swimming. Seeing the ruins of the city jutting out of the seas had given the Argonian an almost feverish energy, his worries and fears brought back to the front of his mind at the sight of the destroyed settlement. “[i]It’s funny, I had almost forgotten about my time in Winterhold and yet now it seems like I can almost remember it perfectly.[/i]” He thought sadly, a sigh escaping from his lips as memories of happier, more simple, times flooded into his mind “[i]Funny how loss always seems to reminds us of cherished things that before seemed so insignificant.[/i]” He thought bitterly as he got into one of the boats, Do’Karth’s words bringing him out of his reverie. He was about to speak, try to offer his Khajiit companion some reassuring words, but Sagax spoke before he could. Laughing a little at the Imperial’s words, Tsleeixth had to take in some air before he spoke again “I wouldn’t be so sure Sagax, I think in this particular case a short swim could hurt a little.” He joked before he turned to look at Do’Karth “Now, in all seriousness, don’t worry Do’Karth, before you realize it we’ll be back in firm land.” He said reassuringly to the Khajiit, patting his shoulder gently to try and calm him down.