Lyn sighed as she continued to be entrapped by the girl. Her eyes glanced towards the girls breasts as a small refraction of light shot through Lyn's inquisitive blue eyes. [color=a187be][i]Now we're getting somewhere,[/i][/color] thought Lyn as she twiddled the battered piece of tin between her forefingers. [color=a187be][i]Knox, Joy. Well, her attitude at the moment sure doesn't fit her name.[/i][/color] She couldn't help but break a smirk across her face as her gaze glid over the test-girls body. It always puzzled Lyn why some girls chose to remain out on their own after the escape. Sure, some had their reasons like The Messenger had their reasons. Compartmentalization of course, but also some girls just operated well from the shadows. Others, they just never came home. [color=a187be][i]Why not seek out comfort and compassion, and above else safety little girl? Why stay out here and risk life and limb?[/i][/color] Sighing, Lyn re-adjusted before her eyes began to grow heavier and heavier. Truly she didn't want to fall asleep, but it looked like the side effects of her medicine were getting the better of her. As her eyes slowly shut, her lips managed to slide out a sleep-drunk question. [color=a187be]"Most girls remember nothing from before the lab... What about you? Do you remember your family?"[/color]