TJ could feel a breeze pass through as he watched his disfigured companion fall into a cycle of thought. Maybe he would pick now? No… Now? No… [i]Noooooow?[/i] It was becoming increasingly apparent to TJ that he wouldn’t be reaching a conclusion on his own anytime soon. But he couldn’t just [i]impose his own will[/i] on him! That would hardly be gentlemanly! ……… His iron will crumpled as his overcooked friend entered yet another cycle of indecision. Clearing his throat, his voice cut into his train of thought like a deer stepping onto a busy road. Abrupt. “[b]My good man![/b] I say we capture this Cabbage Felon first! If he is indeed wanted, I see no harm in taking a detour from donuts if it means filling our pockets for spare food funds!” He paused, realizing that his proposition required teamwork. And what sort of team didn’t have names to address each other with? “Ah,” he continued, “If we are to go ahead with that, we cannot simply remain enigmas to each other, correct?” He held a hand out to Scab. “Teodore Jay Dugrass! TJ for short! Good to meet you!”