[center][URL=http://s496.photobucket.com/user/dreamingflowers1992/media/ODWSPCL_zps0bb916f2.png.html][IMG]http://i496.photobucket.com/albums/rr328/dreamingflowers1992/ODWSPCL_zps0bb916f2.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Mila didn't quite know what to do with herself and watched as others arrived. Some of them made quite the entrance. One man in particular drew her attention due to the fact he was well, completely naked. Her hand shot up instinctively to cover her eyes, a very coy gesture and quite strange gesture for someone who was over a century old. One would think after a hundred years living you'd seen it all. It would be less strange to someone who had familiarized themselves with the Slavic lore about the Rusalki. Most if not all Rusalki were young girls, this due to the nature of their creation. They were spirits giving corporeal form but much of their personality they had in life was preserved. Mila was born in the 19th century were girls her age rarely witnessed a man in all his glory. On the other hand she was very much aware she now lived in the 21th century were it was a whole lot more common. It would be a mistake to think of her as innocent, her demeanor and behavior wasn't crystallized in the 19th century mindset. Though sometimes an out of place reaction could not be avoided. Averting her eyes from the bewildered man she turned to see the man or rather the demon who had sent for her by letter. Atticus Mac Cléirich a name she knew only by reputation. She brushed her hair out of her face, attempting to lock it behind her ears, while she watched many of the group walk up to Atticus to greet him. He seemed to already know some of them. Mila wasn't quite surprised, he held a high reputation as well as position within Bain & Hoyle. It was obvious he'd worked together with most of them which made her wonder why he'd invited the others. herself included. Maybe Mr Hoyle had asked him to, or maybe he needed some kind of particular expertise. Whichever was the case Mila felt like she was intruding upon something. They had history together no doubt. She would have been living under a rock these last two months if she hadn't caught any info on what happened. Well she had been occupied with her research but she wasn't that out of the loop. They had been rather vague about it during the company dinner. Mila could tell it was a sensitive subject and she had no idea what had happened or when. She felt it wasn't her place at the time, but now she was going to work with these people. She wouldn't mind an explanation. Henry never mentioned anything about what happened. Maybe his silence spoke volumes. It could very well be something horrible, so would she still want an explanation then? [i]Probably not.[/i] She thought with a shudder. Now Henry he was such a grinning idiot! A cheeky smile spread across her face as she spotted the Siren talking to someone she didn't recognize. He'd always seemed to have that annoying grin on his face around her. Knowing she was the one who caused made it even worse. He was so pleased to have survived her attempt at drowning him which in turn really made her want to wipe that smirk of his face. It had been one of the most embarrassing moments of her life and she didn't want to pain herself by remembering the details. Henry would bring them up sooner or lather, she had no doubt. After he got her in contact with Bain & Hoyle they had spoken only a handful of times. Still that handful made him the one most familiar to her in this group. More importantly he'd kept his promise, allowing her access to the library of Bain & Hoyle. Mila approached the kindred water spirit with a small smile on her fine features. "I see you're still breathing" Her tone of voice made it obvious she was joking around. "Somewhere I'd hoped you'd be at the bottom of a lake somewhere" She said touching her hair playfully before she looked up at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Henry would never let her hear the end of it but Mila was just waiting for an opportunity to get back at him. They would get even eventually, she'd see to that.