[hider=Victor Calahan (Wildfire)] [h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWe_oJX6fIw[/youtube] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Doctor Victor Calahan[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT]Dr.Wildfire, Mr.Wildfire[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Male[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]28[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5’11”[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]130 lbs[/INDENT] [b]Home District:[/b] [INDENT]Prince Ed Field, particularly Old Raygate. [/INDENT] [h3][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]He doesn’t have any[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Red[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]He’s on fire, god dammit. I don’t think that’s an ethnicity.[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]The organism which was once Victor Calahan hardly resembles an organism anymore. Darren’s body consists of a humanoid shape made out of burning chips of wood. Body shape-wise, it resembles Victor’s former body, a man of average height who is slightly overweight. He is about 5’ll”, but both his height and weight fluctuate violently. The debris itself is constantly burning, causing the inner layer of Victor’s body to glow red-hot like coals. The farther the pieces of wood are from his skeleton, the cooler they burn. Though he still wears clothing, he doesn’t have any distinguishable genitalia (poor him). He releases a wispy stream of smoke when not actively using his abilities. Victor’s eyes glow bright red, as does the inside of his mouth. His teeth glow a softer red. The core of Victor’s power is situated in his chest where his heart once was. There lies his inner-fire, a small, round core so hot that it burns blue. A similar ball of white heat burns in the center of Victor’s head, which is more-or-less what’s left of his brain (how he still thinks is a mystery to science). Victor’s body is constantly burning, and when he uses his powers the small fires all over his body expand, making him look less like a man made of very hot wood and more like a giant fire. He has a high-pitched voice for a guy, though the smoke constantly billowing from his throat makes his voice rather raspy. [/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]Because of the fact that he’s literally made entirely out of fire, Victor doesn’t exactly shop at the Macy’s. All of his clothing is custom made by a tailor in Mendel who specializes in making fire-retardant clothing for metas. He dresses quite sharply, wearing khaki pants, a button-down, loafers, and a suit coat or blazer (if I don’t describe his appearance, he’s wearing khakis, a navy jacket and a silver shirt). He cannot stand ties and does not wear them unless he’s at a bigtime event. Most of his clothing is very sharp and tight. He’d look quite handsome were he not constantly on fire. He wears loafers on his feet. If he’s on vacation, Victor will wear a short-sleeved shirt and cargo shorts with sandals. [/INDENT] [h3][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]Victor’s not what you’d expect out of a guy made of fire. He’s gentle, polite gentlemanly, in general an upstanding guy. He’s rather timid and tends to stay out of trouble. He keeps away from fights and would much prefer settling things diplomatically than having to set things ablaze. Victor is very well-mannered, opening doors for people and such. He’s got a good head on his shoulders, a good sense of judgement, and a long fuse. He’s very intelligent, with a PhD in Metahuman Biology and Genetics from Mendel University, who has the best MBG graduate program in the world. Morally, Victor is lawful good. He dreams of creating a world where obvious metas like himself are accepted as equals to normal humans. He doesn’t like breaking rules and doesn’t normally release himself of his common sense and inhibitions. Though he has a goal that he wants to reach, he will not do illegal or immortal things to reach that goal. He wants to do everything right so that his victories cannot be taken from him. He’s not the type to go on a random adventure or go towards what sounds like a big event. He’s somewhat reserved, though is definitely an extrovert. Victor far prefers spending his time with friends or with a research group than spending it alone in a library. Generally, he likes being the leader of a group and will try to lead the way. He’s known to be somewhat judgemental. A first impression is incredibly important to him. His sense of humor is dry and witty, dripping with sarcasm. [/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]Victor is a pretty big video game nerd. He knows a lot about the video gaming industry and pays close attention to video game news. His gaming computer is very impressive and his Steam library is equally as such. He was on MU’s debate team and enjoys debating quite a lot. A self-identifying intellectual, he also enjoys theater, music, and poetry. He goes to a lot of plays, often with friends. He listens primarily to indie pop. His favorite band presently is CHVRCHES. [/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT] Victor’s pretty intelligent, knowledgeable in his field of biology, and is good at debating. He’s also pretty good at dancing. He used to have a good singing voice until his powers fucked that up. He’s not very physically strong, however, and is actually weaker than your average person. [/INDENT] [b]Goals/Motivation[/b] [INDENT]Victor’s goal is to open a field office for the Wright Institute and study metahuman biology in hopes of finding ways to control hard-to-manage powers, such as his own fire physiology. His dream in life is to create a world where metahumans with extreme physical alterations are seen by society as normal. [/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT]I’m going to make this as brief and painless as possible. Why? Because I’m lazy as fuck. Victor was born in Richmond. He had a fairly ordinary childhood with nothing particularly eventful occurring until the age of eleven, when he was involved in a serious car accident. He was driving home with his sister and father from picking up his sister from the airport when a drunk driver smashed into their car. Victor’s power activated the first time then, and when he woke up his left arm was made of burning wood. Shortly after his father’s funeral, Victor met an agent of NEST who went by the name of Henry Olin. Henry helped Victor and his sister Casey in their grief and helped them to understand their powers better. It was him who suggested that the two attend Academy 218, a NEST-run metahuman academy in Alaska. Victor went to high school there and showed himself to be both intelligent and fairly powerful. He was given a full scholarship to Mendel University, where he studied biochemistry. After graduating, he entered the school’s metahuman biology and genetics program, run by the Wright Institute. The late Doctor Wright became a mentor of his and taught him much. With Wright’s guidance, Victor became an esteemed scientist and one of the most intelligent and capable members of the program. Now all throughout his life, Victor’s body was being slowly consumed by flames. By the time he was in the MBG program, about half his body was consumed, including half his face, his entire left arm, the left side of his chest, the left side of his back, and his left leg from the knee down. It was shortly after this point that the Wright Institute was attacked by the Vanguard for harboring members of the Skulls. The gangsters smashed several of the institute labs up and attacked several scientists. Backed into a corner, Victor fought back against the Vanguard, fending them off but burning half of the building down in the process. The fight and the corresponding fire consumed the rest of his body, which is why he’s now made of fire. The Institute moved to a different section of MU temporarily, but Wright realized that they could not stay there for much longer. Mendel was far too dangerous for science, especially now that he made enemies with the liked of the Vanguard. So, after Victor got his PhD, Wright sent him to Baybridge to oversee the construction of a new Wright Institute, a place far from the crime of Mendel where scientists could safely study. [/INDENT] [h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT] Richard Calahan: Father [Deceased] Stacy Calahan: Mother [Deceased] Casey Calahan: Sister [Currently a super system power instructor at Academy 101.] [/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] (Relations with other characters - You don't have to put relation with family here.) [indent][h3]| [b]Name Here[/b] |[/h3] | [b]{Impression (Good/Bad/Neutral}[/b] | [b]{Relationship (Friend, Rival, Crush, etc)}[/b] | [i]"Quote Here."[/i] | [indent] [Description of Relationship] [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b][u]Abilities[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Elemental[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT][b]Fire Physiology:[/b] Victor is a living fire. He has the ability to create and (limitedly) manipulate fire. He can control the temperature of his fire, and his blasts range from 100º celsius to nearly 700º celsius (1292º F), though he cannot sustain a blast that hot for more than a single fireball. Victor’s fire consumes his biomass as fuel (this is why he’s made of burning wood). The more Victor uses his powers, the more of his body is consumed by his inner fire, lowering his strength, speed, and stamina. If Victor is using his powers near burning flammable material, that material is telekinetically torn into small pieces and drawn to him to replace whatever mass he loses, allowing him to refuel himself. This also gives Victor an advantage by allowing him to repair any physical damage done to his body fairly easily, making it very difficult to damage him. If any part of Victor’s body which is made of wood is severed from him, he can just put it back on and it will work just as it did before. Any physical damage which Victor sustains can be replaced with wood. Victor’s presence in an area passively dries the area out in a ten foot radius around him, making his fires spread more quickly. [i]Heart of Flames:[/i] If Victor is in trouble, he can open a hole in his chest and expose his core, an orb of fire which burns at 1800 degrees F (1000 C). By channeling his metahuman energy through his core, Victor is capable of blasting enemies with what is practically a laser of 1600 degree flames. This devastating blast can burn through biomass, melt aluminum, and do serious damage to whatever it hits. This blast can be sustained for about three seconds at the cost of very quickly consuming all of the oxygen in the air and consuming nearly all of Victor’s biomass, making him incredibly weak. After activating the heart of flames, Victor’s core temperature drops significantly (since he exposed it to his environment), meaning that all of his fires will be considerably weaker until Victor is able to raise his temperature back up. [/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]Victor is limited by the amount of biomass he has. The more Victor uses his powers, the more his biomass is eaten away at. If an area has no flammable material or if Victor’s used all of the flammable material, he can no longer use his powers unless he wants to risk his core going out (which kills him). He’s also limited by the oxygen content of an area, so sealing him in an airtight room and forcing him to use his powers can be a death sentence. [/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT] Well firstly, as mentioned above, Victor’s use of his powers considerably weakens his physical strength, durability, speed, and staminam, as it literally eats away at his body. Victor’s heart of flames consumes nearly two thirds of his biomass, leaving him a skeleton with no defenses. Victor’s other primary weakness should be obvious, as he’s made of fire. While small quantities of water (like most rain) doesn’t weaken Victor (as his drying field causes it to evaporate before it hits him), dumping large quantities of water on Victor weakens his powers and prevents him from using the material which was soaked. Victor cannot add wet wood to his biomass, as it does not burn. If Victor is submerged in water, he loses his ability to use his powers completely and will die very quickly. Additionally, if an entire limb or organ of Victor’s is soaked, he loses the ability to move that limb or use that organ. What’s more effective against Victor than water is fire-retardant chemicals, like what you’d find in a fire extinguisher. Fire-extinguishing chemicals stick to Victor’s body and cannot be dried out like water can, reducing the mobility of the area hit for hours and lowering his core temperature. If Victor’s core is hit with a fire extinguisher, he will die soon after. Finally, while Victor’s body is relatively resistant to physical damage due to his repairing abilities, his core cannot be repaired. If a strike hits through his core, he can be damaged quite badly and if severe enough damage is taken to it, he will die. Crushing the core causes a very hot explosion with a large blast radius, however, so I recommend hitting it from a distance should you decide that poor pacifistic fire man deserves the sweet embrace of death. [/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT][list][*]Victor is the head of the Wright Institute branch in Baybridge, a newly-opened state-of-the-art lab designed to research metahuman biology. The Wright Institute has made many groundbreaking discoveries in the past, such as Serum 17, an aerosol spray which damages the skin cells of only metahumans and suppresses powers (this is the stuff that RAVEN uses in their grenade launchers), used to restrain dangerous metas. The facility attempts to try and create peaceful discoveries, however. [*] Victor and his lab are currently researching the dermal cells of shapeshifters and are looking into ways to use them to allow animal metas to appear as human. (this may change later. Haven’t decided) [*] Victor has a few other lab employees who I might make sheets for later. They’re all scientists who are working on researching meta powers. [*] Though he’s now made of fire, Victor still eats, as his body can still use food as fuel. He doesn’t *need* to eat, however, and everything tastes a little burnt since it cooks as he eats it. He has come to enjoy rare fish and steaks because of this. He also likes barbecue. [/list][/INDENT] [/hider]