[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Bvy7gy8.png?2[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Lougetown - Outside the Store[/center] [b]“There, 50,000 beli,”[/b] came the Post Steward. He slid the fat money purse across the counter and Chamber snatched it up, pressing the bag to his cheek as he nuzzled it like a kitten. [b]“Don’t spend it all in one place.”[/b] Shouldering his rifle, Chamber gave the fakest and the most heroic-sounding of laughs. [b]“Oh, I know where I’m going to spend this. Don’t you worry old man.”[/b] With a cheerful sway in his stride and head as though he had a cheerful tune in his head, Chambers left the post, probably hoping to spend the money he had earned. The windows of the post were shut and the doors were immediately locked by the guard. The steward then turned to the unconscious Nose Ring and offered him a glass of water. [b]“You okay, boss?”[/b] His eyes suddenly opened as he slapped the glass of water away. Sitting up, he spitted out a copious amount of blood along with a tooth. [b]“That punk got me good, huh?”[/b] Those who were in the post were tensed and stood in silence, fearful of the man in front of them. [b]“Anyway, we’ll deal with those kids later. For now, can someone get me a cigarette?”[/b] [center]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] The anger and frustration from the Spice Boys apparently disappated as most of them were now laying unconscious and flat on their face while the rest had fled the seen. Their utter defeat had crushed their spirits and the fact that they were dealing with mere children wasn’t helping them feel any better. To be fair, they had explosions and rockets on their side. [b]“I jad waned do take tome ol mahn daun.”[/b] Mumbled one of the downed goon as he tried his best to keep his weeping unnoticed. [b]“Pipe down.”[/b] Said his fellow mook who was apparently piled on top of him. [b]“They might come back for us and finish the job.”[/b] Keeping quiet was a difficult task giving the flood of emotions that were filling him up; but since he was a Spice Boy, he had to do what he was told; biting his bottom lip was the only thing he could think of to lessen his snivelling. [b]“Tory, I was dus tinkin o wa appen to da boss.”[/b] Another lackey that was laying on top of the previous two suddenly spoke. [b]“A bounty hunter took him, but don’t worry. Since it’s a Tuesday, we’ve got the post covered."[/b] [center]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] The beautiful sunrise most sought out had already passed as the sun was almost at its peek. Time definitely flew and it was obvious who among the participants had the least amount of fun. With the rowdiness suddenly dying down, the shop keeper rushed towards the outside with bated breath, hoping to quell whatever what was left of the brawl that had started inside his store. [b]“Now, now. Let’s stop all this fighting!”[/b] said the old man as he grabbed the arms of both Tenmon and Zehst.[b]”We definitely don’t want those marines to notice this little rumble, now do we?.”[/b] He then turned to Gold and Lucretia, not being phased by the appearance of the large mantis beside him. [b]“I’m not sure how the two of you got involved in all of this, but thank you for intervening.”[/b] The smile he projected made everyone feel how heartfelt his appreciation was for their help. [b]“The important thing is that its all over now.”[/b] He finally was able to let out a sigh of relief. [b]“Now then, I can’t offer much, but would you allow this old man to treat you to some food?”[/b]