[hr] [h2][center][u][b][color=Red]Clarissa[/color][/b][/u][/center][/h2] [center][u][b][color=Crimson]Blue Base Company[/color][/b][/u][/center] [hr] [color=Red]"I admit this isn't exactly what I expected. I was in the middle of taking care of another criminal group and ended up here. Even if I didn't enjoy myself and they were so weak! No thrill and excitement from good fight whatsoever! Ugh, monster headache as a bonus also isn't something I looked for... [/color] Some people would question what exactly happened and Clarissa didn't exactly understand herself. It was another 'vigilante hunt' as she described those. She wanted to strike last bastard down, when portal suddenly opened up in front of her and pulled Clarissa to this dimension. She despised criminals mostly thanks to the upbringing of her father. In the far past he established certain group of 'vigilante hunters' which main job was to hunt or at least neutralize mafia like organizations, mostly those of the worst kind. Human trafficking, slave trading, organ sellers. In other words those powerful enough to avoid the authorities or those with enough money to corrupt them and win all kinds of potential lawsuits. And their job was to make sure they were punished accordingly. Sometimes with straight up ruthless violence, which wasn't appreciated by mentioned earlier authorities. Clarissa considered that lack of appreciation truly annoying. If they did their job properly people like her wouldn't be needed in first place! So far their group managed to conceal their activities, but Clarissa one year ago made a mistake while trying to activate ki suppresion kevlar, which caused malfunction of said kevlar and revealed her existance in the middle of 'cleaning criminals' work. Yeah, sudden arrest and lawsuit which followed after caused lots of annoyance for Clarissa and the lawyer she hired wasn't exactly cheap either! From all this mess she at least gained pretty cool nickname "Red River". She admitted that she could be brutal in her fights and wasn't afraid of potential risk of dying. It was just an additional fun! One of her dreams was to find people strong enough to cause her trouble and in process make her stronger, push Clarissa to the limit while having good time. With all that fighting one day she realized that her social interactions were lacking. It would be nice if she managed to find a guy or girl but so far they were all so dissapointing, bunch of wimps. Well it's not like she would choose relationship over good fights, no no no ! Even if her father in the end found a way to travel between dimensions to search for new jobs. One day constant nagging, orders and arguments with her father pushed Clarissa to the limit and she decided to just beat him and his people just to leave. In the end Clarissa managed to do it as years of constant physical training and meditation sessions made Clarissa strong enough to overpower anyone from her dimension and just move on. Simple and effective. From that moment forward she just worked solo and it would be nice and dandy if all those jobs weren't so boring. Clarissa barely needed to use any of her strength! Last job was supposed to be exciting, but... it was just dissapointing. And in the end she landed in the middle of abadoned base with no plan to follow. Where was she?! Clarissa at least hoped this sudden dimensional travel. As mentioned most people would be shocked with this development, but self-proclaimed Anti-Hero was always proud of her laidback and not exactly 100% serious outlook on her life. If something happened - you just needed to move on, her own favorite motto. Plus Clarissa with her horrible Ki sense always had trouble with finding good opponents. To detect Ki energy she needed it to literally explode. And to her shock this is exactly what happened with several new signatures. Did they land in this world like her ? It's not like she cared, they were all powerful! Clarissa smirked excited and decided to fly to the closest one...