[quote=@Famotill] [@Kejmur] Could you PM about your character once you've formulated more of an idea? There are certain things your character (and you) would know if they were to go down a 'ninja' type path (but yes, there are 'ninja'). [/quote] Sure, I will just check pictures on internet first (this is my favorite way for inspirations), throw 2-3 skeletons sheets (most basic information) and work from there as you didn't provide as much information yet (it's not a problem at all, I just point out reasoning). I mentioned 2-3 as I'm flexible myself and I don't mind giving GM more options to let him pick the one he likes the most. And I forgot to ask - how serious you would consider atmosphere in session ? 100% serious mode or some sort of comedy in characters would be cool ? Adult (reasonable of course) themes allowed ? And is this most classic 'from zero to hero' or something darker would pass ?