[quote=@Pair of Hearts]But randoms who seem to have conversations on the sidebar back and forth, back and forth, when there's Chat, PM, Spam, Off Roleplay, and VM are ... annoying? Not chronic, but still awry to see when I wake up. Especially when the status is meant to rib someone or shame a particular group with differing opinion. There's Facebook for that, folks![/quote] I'm glad I'm not the only one who's experiencing frustration / mood drops because of the same 2-3 people have decided to use the status bar as their dumping ground to vent about their middle-school level, oh so important internet culture related problems. Or you know, hating on certain groups of people. But yeah, a way to unsubscribe from someone's statuses would be appreciated. Or a way to hide the status sidebar altogether, even though that's a shame because there is a lot of positive and fun stuff that happens there!