Kuro is careful to keep his distance, Aoba's discomfort clear and, unfortunately, understandable. Inside his head the demon begins playing ideas of getting closer to his little angel, scenes and scenarios slipping and twisting through his brain until at last Aoba moves, catching his eye. While Aoba may have morals against staring, Kuro certainly does not and watches with a goofy grin as the other man strips and climbs quickly into the tub. He wonders vaguely what it would be like to see desire in the smaller male's eyes, to see him looking, without shame. With passion, not embarrassment. Following Aoba in he lets out a long groan. He may be healed, but his body is still in no fit state for activity at the moment, and the hot water feels good against his soreness. “Yeah, it is. . . .” he murmurs, smiling at the little angel and relaxing against the side of the tub. Despite his relaxed state however he keeps his eyes on the other, feeling both possessive and protective. Even though he knows the battle between he and his brother will keep any demons away for some time, eventually scroungers [b]will[/b] come, looking for the remnants of the loser, thinking that they could gather some scraps from whoever it was that got trashed by hell's second. [i]'Well, too bad guys and gals, I lived, and feeling more lively all the time'[/i] He chuckles silently, his eyes narrowing as a shudder goes through Aoba, causing ripples to tickle his skin as they strike. Raising an eyebrow he wonders what his dear angel doesn't want to talk about, but doesn't push for an answer. Instead, he decides to be cute. Slowly, ever so slowly, he begins scooting closer and closer to Aoba, keeping his eyes open and interested, cocking his head at the question as he moves along towards the man. “Hmmmmm. . . .” he hums quietly, thinking vaguely of many, many ideas that involve testing the boundaries of their relationship, but as he knows Aoba is nowhere near on that subject he instead puts some real thought into it, all the time shifting closer. ~*~*~*~*~ Face buried firmly in his hands it takes all of Fenrir's effort to keep himself from praying. Praying what exactly, he doesn't know. What he does know that any prayers at this point would lead to trouble for little Aoba. So, he refrains, all the while screaming in his mind for the young angel to get a clue about the lusty demon growing closer and closer, his intentions a giant flashing neon billboard across his forehead. ~*~*~*~*~ When at last he is as close as he can trust himself to get, the feathery wing behind him keeping him from leaning back but he doesn't mind, he props his head up on his knees and turns his gaze towards the middle of the tub. “now. . . .” he murmurs, his eyes going a little out of focus as he thinks. “Now, we take care of the crops, we care for the animals. . .We learn new skills, we spend time together, we play, have fun, we stay alive. . .” His eyes focus once more as he looks down at the angel, a soft smile on his lips. “We take each day, as it comes, and we live it. Simple as that.” His smile widens slightly, his head tilting cutely to the side as he keeps a stranglehold on his more bestial urges.