So, here's a quick summary: [quote]With the invention of the Ω (Omega) Amp, a device that attaches to a performer's body and harnesses the power of their music, sound itself has become the world's most potent weapon. The Music Industry rules the world. Individual countries which have stood for hundreds of years fell one by one and were overtaken by The Genres. You know the ones, Metal, Country, Hip Hop, Classical, etc. For a time, the world was in turmoil, as the Genres, and their Label Armies (more like squads, or bands, really) vied for complete supremacy. But one Label sought to change that. The people behind Locksley Records remembered what it was like before the great Dividing. It was a world where genres not only coexisted, but could harmonize with one another, and combine their styles to create greater and more beautiful things. The people behind Locksley Records wants to bring that time back. They have scoured the world for the best and the brightest musicians, artists, and dreamers, and they have brought those people together to create the band, Collaboration. As a member of Collaboration, it will be up to you to use your expertise, musical skills, and imagination to defeat the champions of the Genres and reunite the world in perfect harmony! Do you have what it takes?[/quote] A character sheet will be expected to have a particular genre, instrument, and some sort of background. Feel free to add whatever you like. I made a quick character bio for reference: Name: Melody Shine (Real name is Meghan Lovell) Age: 21 Genre: Pop Instrument: Headset mic Background: Melody always knew that she would be a singer, a Pop Princess ranked alongside the greats like Britney Spears, Katy Perry, and the like. Sadly, her voice was not quite powerful enough to carry her through the qualifying rounds to becoming a Pop Champion (referred to as Idols). Disenfranchised but still hopeful, when the call went out for members of a sort of resistance movement, Collaboration, she heeded the call, eager to show the Idols what she was truly made of! So! Any questions, comments, anything?