Here's my character, let me know if you want me to add any more! [hider=Thomas Holtz] [b][color=lightblue]Name: Thomas Holtz[/color][/b] [b][color=lightblue]Age: 39[/color][/b] [b][color=lightblue]Gender: Male[/color][/b] [b][color=lightblue]Appearance: [img][/img][/color][/b] Thomas stands at about six foot, and is slender. He usually wears smart clothes, and always wears a kippah, and glasses. [b][color=lightblue]Personality:[/color][/b] Thomas is quite optimistic, and can be eager to start friendships with people. He loves to have friends, but doesn't like to be the centre of attention, nor does he like being with loads of people at once. He is defensive about his family, his religion, and his choices. Thomas is usually level headed, however, he can lose his temper a bit too easily. He tries to keep it locked away though, as he can make bad decisions when angry. Due to his being opportunistic, he wants to be able to go as far in life as possible. Hopefully, he can become the head of pathology at the hospital he works at. [b][color=lightblue]Strengths:[/color][/b] [u]Intelligent:[/u] Thomas is quick to pick things up, and this has led to him being able to know a lot of things, including first aid [u]Languages:[/u] Thomas loves learning languages, and is good at it too. He realsied that this could be good in a hospital, and he now knows Hebrew, French and German, on top of his native English. [b][color=lightblue]Flaws:[/color][/b] [u]Short tempered:[/u] Thomas can get angry quickly, and make rash decisions. When angry, he can also begin to get violent, and threaten people. [u]Religious:[/u] Thomas is a moderately devout Orthodox Jew, and is considering becoming more devout. This causes him to refuse to do some things that would be against his religion, which is sometimes a bad thing. This is due to his worry that he won't go to a good place when he dies. [b][color=lightblue]History:[/color][/b] James was raised in Michigan in a Jewish family with many brothers and sisters. This has made him a moderately devout Orthodox Jew. He always wanted to be a doctor, and when he finished high school he went to university in the UK to get qualified faster, becoming a pathologist. Whilst there, he met a Jewish girl, and they fell in love. Whilst they were still in university, they got married and had a child, Ben. They aimed to raise him a correct Jewish way. Thomas decided to stay with his wife and child in the UK, and became a dual American-British citizen, like his child. Unfortunately, when Ben was ten, Alice died, and Ben began to be rebellious. This became worse when Thomas was told that his child had made a girl pregnant. This angered his so much that he decided to move back to America, taking up a job in Philadelphia. They have lived there for the past four years. [/hider]