At first Metallus didn't seem to notice Tuur's remarks. But after a second or so he turned to the man and closed in and stood less than a yard from him and scrutinized him closely. -"Probable feral worlder, barely any brain functions of note, high degree of self right. Only suitable for violent duty before inevitable death and corpse ration refinement." Metallus let out with the same low murmuring as with the gunner before. -"Analyzing your attempt at gothic, i deduct that what i will be doing in combat situations is to tend to the machine spirits, while you purge enemies and keep me safe under your 'watchful gaze', if any foe comes to close, i plan on using this. No need for ego." Metallus menacingly leaned as he spoke, the words 'watchful gaze' spoken in a clearly demeaning manner. When mentioning 'this' he clenched his power fist in front of Tuur's face and activated its power field, making it crackle fiercely with small lightning bolts. At the same time he swirled the head of his manipulator mechandrite and rapidly closed its jaws a few times to mimic a hounds biting. After that he stepped back, but made sure that he had Tuur within his field of vision. -"I have no interest in petty brawls, i'll let you be alone and i will be focusing on... 'my ego'." The tech priest noted to Tuur, 'my ego' spoken with a voice that tried to be sarcastic but failed.