[@FernStone] - So proud of you and happy to hear that you'll be finishing high school with flying colors. Thank you for the wishes because I'll need them for this last final next week. Pulling all nighters as I did on Sunday night isn't fun and something I hope to never have to do again. I want to also wish you luck on your own finals because Computer Science can sometimes really pull the wool out of even the best. You'll get a chance to make your mark on the world and learn all about living on your own while acquiring life-lessons where ever you go. Entering university and eventually earning your degrees will certainly leave you emotional and reflective of all your decisions and experiences with your peers and colleagues throughout your stay in academia. After you make your run through school, it's figuring out your job situation and having something lined up for the moments after graduation. I personally vote for snatching opportunities to study abroad because you get to learn about different cultures, meet cool people, and live in areas that are vastly different from where you grew up! I know we've had conversations about the schooling systems within the UK and the US and we'll just say that institutions in both countries have their effective methods and systems in place to prepare students for the work force even though academic institutions can sometimes be some of the most intellectually repressive locations on the planet ([@SkullsandSlippers] - You can vouch for me here since you're a teacher and know some of the ins and outs of early educational establishments ;). The key is to make the most out of your education and apply your learned skills to whatever things you want to accomplish in your career and making sure you don't let distractions or stupid, arrogant, or ignorant people ruin your experiences 8). On the flip side, Altaea will be rolling relatively soon where there our characters can get a chance to interact more and have an effect on the way current events are playing out!