[hider=Geia (in progress)] [b]Name[/b]: Geia [b]Nicknames/Titles (if any)[/b]: Altrena, Planos (alternate names); The Guardian of Altreni, The Heathen Slayer, The Worldmistress (titles) [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 229 [b]Base Appearance[/b]: Geia typically appears as a light-skinned elf-like being, 192cm tall and seemingly nimble in stature, dressed in naught but a fluid white robe that runs down to her feet, hiding her figure beyond her seemingly-delicate extremities. She is possessed of straight, metallic silver hair running down to the small of her back and pale green eyes, and (oddly for her role) displays a rabbit-like tail and ears with fur of the same metallic sheen as her hair, the former visible where the human tailbone would usually end via what might well be a cut hole in her otherwise undamaged garment, and the latter displayed atop her head simultaneously alongside the usual elven ears one might expect to see. [b]Other Appearances[/b]: Geia's so-called "battle aspect" is as incredible as it is terrifying, well worthy of the more traditional definition of "awe-inspiring", at least to mortal witnesses: her clothing, and even her very skin, seem to crack and collapse like a thin layer of glass, revealing underneath a mass of razor-thorned, plant-like tendrils which shimmer as though made of steel even in darkness, as the result of some bright light shining from within the vines themselves, and can apparently extend from themselves near-indefinitely heedless of damage, yet retract to her prior shape and reform the outer layers of her usual form entirely once combat ends. [b]Personality[/b]: Geia is, as a general rule, somewhat combative. Her nature as a deity of vengeance means that she has little reason to exhibit happiness particularly often, since her task is an ongoing one as of yet, and she tends to be recalcitrant and unruly with those deities she does not directly consider friends or superiors, whilst herself taking a superior, perhaps even slightly arrogant tone amongst her worshippers. The mortal worshippers of other deities are tolerated; those who worship no deity are considered foes; and those who strive to slay the masses of the loyal are set upon with a bleak and unemotional fury quite evocative of the more brutal side of nature that she embodies. Indeed, her opinions on Jeno are a direct result of her creation; in her mind, she has no reason to believe that he was anything other than corrupt and irredeemable, and the very fact that his actions triggered the current state of deific decline would mark him for death regardless. That said, she is not needlessly hateful for the sake of it, and those few beings she does consider companions are kept as close to her as she can manage, for they are rarely anything less than as proficient in battle as they are in personal matters; she sometimes even gifts those she believes deserve it with patches of rural land modified to a state of natural beauty. Finally, she does show off a bit of a mixed attitude toward technological advancement, for they can prove to alter the environment, and therefore nature, in both positive and negative manners, and sometimes in an unforeseen fashion far removed from the intended impact. [b]Skills[/b]: Geia is rather skilled in swordplay, specifically the use of rapiers and the like, and in regards to tactics and battlefield control, though in either area she is still no match for the majority of dedicated war deities, especially given that most are substantially older than her. She also happens to be proficient in gardening and garden arrangement, as befits her status as a nature deity. [b]Preferred Field of Magic[/b]: Geia's preferred magic is largely based off of various aspects of the natural world; thus, her preferred aspects of magic fall in the fields of Nature (covering areas such as earth and plants), Weather (covering aspects like lightning storms and snowfall), and, somewhat interestingly, Light. [b]Spells/Abilities[/b]: [i]Nature's Wrath[/i] - Causes various flora both new and pre-existing to rapidly grow, and then to act against foes as Geia requires. The type of flora created can vary, but this ability often manifests as a field of vines which swarms around an opponent, trapping and redirecting them into more vulnerable positions. [i]Geokinesis[/i] - Manipulates the earth and rock around her for various effects, such as crushing foes between two slabs of rock, trapping them in a mass of earth either partially or wholly, creating walls of rock to block their attacks, or summoning rocky spires to impale them from beneath. It is rarely necessary that this earth and rock needs to be created directly, given that Altreni's populations are largely land-locked, but it is doable if need be. [i]Aerokinesis[/i] - Manipulates the air around her for various effects, ranging from gentle breezes to hurricane-force blasts of wind to full-size tornadoes. Often used in conjunction with Nature's Wrath to force opponents to move into positions where they are more vulnerable than they might otherwise be. [i]Lightning Strike[/i] - Charges her body with wind and electricity, greatly increasing her movement and attack speed, as well as dealing electrical damage on hit in addition to physical harm. Useful for rapid melee damage, particularly in her already-agile battle aspect. [i]Lightning Bolt[/i] - Launches arcs of electricity at an opponent from a potentially great distance, dealing substantial electrical damage depending on the energy put into any given bolt. [i]Snow Blindness[/i] - Sets up a massive ice storm, plunging a wide area into extremely cold tundra-like conditions, and inflicting slashing damage on anybody in the area thanks to a combination of razor winds and razor-sharp snowflakes, as well as making it very difficult for the foe to see readily. Its actively-damaging effects can be focused down on to individuals if there is a need to deal damage more efficiently to just one target. [i]Flare Beam[/i] - Fires a heavily-damaging beam of light at a foe, in an effort to disintegrate their forms. Potentially powerful even against deities, and the beam's radius can be varied, but achieving a full-body effect can be rather draining on Geia's magic reserves. [b]Fighting Style[/b]: Geia prefers to maintain control over the battlefield at all times, in particular manipulating opponents to go where she wants them to go as and when needed. This is generally precipitated through use of her body's own metallic vines, or of vines grown from the ground, and storm winds used to force a being in certain directions, in preparation for an onslaught of firepower designed to maximise damage against whichever target has drawn her ire. [b]Artifacts[/b]: [i]The Endless Scroll[/i] - A scroll crafted of fine parchment and ornate rollers depicting green flora against a black background, gifted to Geia's war-scribe Aeothiim for use in his art. This item is not intended for combat, but rather to help the demigod catalogue the Worldmistress' deeds and activities as needed. The scroll levitates of its own accord, and when instructed to do so, it will write upon itself based on the bearer's own speech as though an invisible pen were being applied to it; each section of parchment seems to be brand new, and once a full page has been written up or the speech in question ended, it automatically rolls to a fresh section of parchment, apparently generating this parchment out of nothing whilst simultaneously dismissing the used sheet to some pocket dimension for later assessment, for the one roller never seems to increase in diameter, nor does the other ever seem to decrease in diameter or run out of parchment. [i]The Worldrazor[/i] - An item crafted by Geia essentially to see if it could be done, then handed into her cult's protection to ensure it was not misused, the Worldrazor is little more than a finely-crafted rapier at first glance, albeit one whose handle is covered in thorns, making it deliberately painful to wield. By pouring energy into it, however, the length and sharpness of the blade can be increased proportionally, not only increasing its range, but also its ability to cut through even exceptionally tough materials, up to and including many magical defenses if the energy input is great enough. Some claim that, with sufficient power put into a single strike, it could easily cleave the world in twain, rending the two halves apart permanently; whether or not this is true is unclear, as it has not seen particularly strenuous use, being retained in a highly secretive location that only Geia herself and a few members of her cult's upper echelons are aware of. [b]Pocket Dimensions and Home[/b]: Geia generally remains on Altreni, supporting her worshipper base and handling issues revolving around the purpose she was created for. Though she possesses a pocket dimension, its contents are considered practically top-secret so far as mortals are concerned, and she rarely visits it regardless; plenty of her worshippers believe that it is effectively paradise, a plane untouched by the ravages of technology or the genocide of worshippers, that will provide for its mortal inhabitants as long as they remain within it, though no evidence exists regarding whether or not this is true. [b]Biography[/b]: A biography detailing the growth and popularity of your character as a deity, as well as how the followers view their deity. Are any of their views regarding your deity incorrect? What species tend to worship your character? [/hider]