[hider=Roll responses] [b]Erudite:[/b] The boulder collides with Guard 1, forcing him to the ground. [i]Takes [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/226]1[/url] bludgeoning and knocked prone.[/i] [/hider] Guard 4 is quick to join his comrade, drawing his sword and pointing it at the dragonborn. "Ehh, stop that!" He shouts. [i]Same as Guard 1. 15' away, readying.[/i] [hider=Initiative Tracker] Guard 1 - 19 Harbinger - 17 Erudite - 10 Guard 4 - 9 [b]VKAllen[/b] - 8 Hekazu - 6 Guard 2 - 5 Guard 3 - 4 Frail man - 3 [/hider]