[quote=@Bornite] Another question if you please, while you don't say specifically can the carnival/street festival have just been the past weekend? Say the 9th/10th/11th for a full weekender? It would really help with my character's reason for being in town. [/quote] Sure man, that works. [quote=@Xandrya] [hider=Olivia Henley] [b]Name[/b]: Olivia Henley [b]Nickname(s)[/b]: Livy [b]Age[/b]: 23 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: Olivia stands at an average height of 5'5. She has a rich, olive skin tone which is accentuated by hazel eyes and dark-brown hair. Her body is well-toned due to her strict exercise regimen, and her scars are a limited few mostly associated to past childhood experiences. [hider=Portrait][img]https://i.imgsafe.org/84cc8f1.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Unable to fit into a single category best used to describe her, Olivia finds it relatively easy to get along with just about anyone. Although she enjoys meeting new people, she's very careful about who she invites into her life. Under the right circumstances, Olivia will not pass up on the opportunity to make a joke (sometimes inappropriate in nature), and she won't hesitate to use that as an icebreaker. [b]History[/b]: Olivia was born and raised in Ashton, CO. She bounced between foster homes at an early age due to behavioral problems, and she never stayed in a single home for longer than 6 months. She was a troubled child who would often end up in a juvenile detention center, and her sporadic placements with unfitting families often pushed her to runaway, only to get picked up by law enforcement and turned over to the state. From a young age, Olivia learned to find humor in just about anything. Rules meant nothing to her, and nearly every single one of her mugshots showed a smile that one could very well be interpreted as pride. Despite her behavior, Olivia was a bright child, although her abilities were never truly nurtured nor challenged. She's seen and done it all-fights, drugs, alcohol, sex-yet she has no regrets. Currently, Olivia's wrapping up her graduate education at the local university. She hopes to get a job as a meteorologist, and she's been interning with one of the three major news stations of Ashton for the past year. She lives alone in a one-bedroom apartment near the downtown area and holds a job as a bartender to support herself. [b]Relationships[/b]: N/A [/hider] [/quote] Looks good. Accepted. [quote=@Mordon] Apologies, turns out "a day or three" was a tad bit of an exaggeration. [hider=Michael Gray] [img]http://www.thehindu.com/multimedia/dynamic/02373/13bgnnvgot_GQ0A_14_2373096g.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Michael Gray [b]Nickname(s):[/b] None. Not at the moment anyway. [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Michael is a short, broad shouldered and slightly chubby lad. He's 5'6 tall and weighs 168lb. Despite his slight chubbiness he is solidly built and strong, his muscular arms, legs and chest evidence of a semi-regular exercise routine. He is somewhat baby faced with a complexion that sits between pale and rosy. He has dark brown hair and eyes of a slightly lighter brown. His appearance tends to be rugged, bordering on scruffy. He cares little for style or fashion, often just wearing jeans that are always a little too big and whatever dark t-shirt is clean. His hairstyle is simple and scruffy and he tends to have some facial hair growth. He certainly isn't unhygienic, but finds regular grooming to be tedious. [b]Personality:[/b] Michael is a bit of a weird guy. Kind-hearted, yet seemingly cold and distant. Uneducated in a way, but relatively intelligent. He's willing to take part in violence and conflict and understands it's usefulness, even enjoying a decent fight himself, yet he sees it as a last resort in most circumstances, believing that if conflict was his first reaction to every slight he may as well be an animal. Also, he's comfortable with violence, but not cruelty. He reads a lot and thinks a lot and is often considered surprisingly smart by the rare people who get close enough to hear his thoughts. He doesn't consider himself intelligent however, thinking instead that he has aspirations of being knowledgeable but unfortunately believes that his wanting to be and actually being intelligent are two separate things. Finally he holds his thoughts and feelings close in most circumstances, considering them personal and private. [b]History:[/b] Michael had a strange childhood. His father worked mostly in construction but had an alternate career in relatively petty crime. Robbery, insurance fraud, occasional muscle work and later on some drug dealing. He was a violent and angry alcoholic of a man who regularly smashed up the house in front of his wife and children causing terrible distress. Michael didn't hate him for this until many years later. As a result of his reckless life and terrible parenting however he was often in prison and thankfully his violent outbursts eventually led to he and Michael's mother separating. A lot of damage had already been done however. His mother was a kind and bright woman, but over a decade of suffering her husband and raising five children practically by herself had made her depressed and after years of barely coping she eventually became angry and mentally unstable. To make matters worse her last child was born with severe cerebral palsy and taking care of her whilst already in a very dark place did little to help things. As a result of their fathers influence the boys of the Gray family all found themselves drifting towards crime. Luckily Michael's interest in computer games and books meant that he spent far less time getting into trouble than his brothers and after a couple of years of petty vandalism, shoplifting and the occasional fight he stopped getting into trouble outside of school altogether. His brothers weren't so lucky, one ending up in a juvenile detention facility due to various burglaries and street robberies and later a foster family and the other later joined the infantry due to a perceived lack of other options. Luckily both came out okay, but their absence meant that Michael had to be the man of the house from a very young age. This mostly meant helping his mum with his disabled sibling and trying to curve her breakdowns. So unfortunately Michael's issues didn't stop with getting out of petty crime. Due to a lack of discipline, his messy childhood, bad parenting or maybe simply the way he was he ended up sleeping, fucking around and generally doing anything but pay attention throughout his entire school career. This lead to him leaving at 16 with no qualifications, no grades and a bad case of depression. Not being able to get a job and not being able to do anything at college other than repeat the courses he had just slept through in school he basically ended up doing nothing productive for almost a year. He read, he gamed, he spent a lot of time online. Eventually a social worker noticed him procrastinating his life away and enlisted him in some courses that specialized in troubled youth and the ball began rolling again, gradually. The course was good for him. He made a couple of friends, his confidence in his intellectual ability grew from non-existent to “Maybe I'm not a complete dumb-ass” due to the courses refreshing approach. Eventually though the course ended, and despite having successfully completed various exams and gotten half a dozen qualifications he still couldn't get a job. This once again lead to him spending a lot of time on the internet. Not all was bad however, for it was at this time he met his future wife online. They met, they messaged a lot, eventually they Skyped a lot and soon their young and dumb teenage brains lead them to believe they could sustain an international relationship. Thankfully, they could, they fell in love and a little over four years later were married. During those four years Michael's disabled sister died and his brothers moved back into the family home, absolving him of his responsibility as man of the house in a very crude way. So that is what lead Michael to Ashton, Colorado. A woman he loved, for who would go through all that godforsaken green card trouble otherwise? To this day he is convinced the phrase “All's fair in love and war” is a valid reference to the difficulty of immigrating to the U.S and the only two sane reasons one would pursue it. [b]Relationships:[/b] Emily Gray – Wife [b]Note(s):[/b] Until very recently Michael spent almost all of his life in England, so still has a distinct accent, although if he were to spend much time back there he would be questioned (taken the piss out of) for the American twinge in his voice. Michael grew up in a way that meant he was a part of more violent exchanges than the average person, but in case anyone gets the wrong idea this does not make him a skilled combatant. At most he's more comfortable with violence than is typical and this might give him a slight edge, but because he's seen both serious injury and serious time in prison come out of dumb aggression he's probably even less likely to “go there” than the average guy. [/hider] [/quote] Interesting dude. Accepted. [quote=@LazyEgg] UP&READYYYYYYY YAAAAAAAAAAHU hope is'aight [hider=Andrew Moore] [centre] [indent] [h1]ANDREW 'ANDY' MOORE[/h1] ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ [img]http://i.imgur.com/drO00nA.jpg?1[/img] ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ [color=lightgray]Male || 19 || College Sophomore[/color] [color=gray][indent]Andrew stands at 5'5, considerably shorter than the rest of his peers - and is reminded of that [b]very[/b] frequently. His build is that of any sedimentary teenage boy: lean and weak. He sports a crew-cut, glasses and usually wears sweaters and trouser for comfort.[/indent] [indent]A simpleton from Hartford, Connecticut - Andrew grew up quite the oddball. The boy almost never spoke unless spoken to. Even as a baby the boy posed as a miracle in disguise, despite his parents' frustration and anticipation over when he would finally utter his first word. The boy was never fond of crowds. During his childhood years, he was often the last sibling to get into the car, while his parents scoured the vicinity for their wandering son. Andrew grew up being the "quiet" kid. As a teenager, he was the type of guy you'd see rushing down the hallways to get to class as soon as the bell rang just to avoid the oncoming student body herd. Typical grade A student too - attending all his lectures on time and an over-achiever in eight out of nine classes. Academically, Andrew dominated. Mentally, he was just as powerful. Socially? ...let's just say he was the type of guy who could effortlessly dive into an in-depth conversation on neuroanatomical considerations all by himself in the cubicle down the hall.[/indent] [indent]He wasn't a loner, per se. Throughout his entire life growing up, he managed to score himself two warm bodies he could sincerely call 'friends'. It wasn't that he was necessarily bad at the art of friendship - but merely the fact that he was more of a cynic than anything else. After spending years and years at highschool, he figured he learned enough to know how the human mind works. Sometimes they just [i]don't.[/i][/indent] [indent]As he spoke less and listened more, he took notice of how everyone intermingled around him. Lying, slandering, exploitation, rumors, and gossip - a whole shitload of it. The conversations that managed to reach his ears (despite his efforts not to let them) all proved to be laced with some varying degrees of bullshit. Nothing would have been able to move Andrew back then. This in turn made the boy distrustful of others, always questioning their motives behind every gesture, every word. There was something about people that made him believe that almost nothing was genuine, up until he met those two. He'd run into them at a gaming convention about a year before he transferred to college. The three connected instantly and sparked fireworks right in front of a stall dedicated to Battlefield 4. They splurged on their love for the games they all shared, and eventually grew on each other enough to start sharing ideas of the world and the people around them. They shared ideas and dreams of what they wanted to be, and supported each other every step of the way - things friends usually do.[/indent] [indent]Needless to say, they restored some of his faith in the human race after their fateful meeting. Andrew moved to college with a renewed sense of belonging and a refreshed mindset. [i]He was going to try socializing[/i]. He was actually going to try talking to people without reading between the lines. Friendship was a drink he'd just gotten a taste of, and he was thirsty for that warm, fuzzy feeling. Two years into college life, he'd managed to make an adequate amount of acquaintances, all the while still maintaining the best scores in the entire area. Andrew felt unbeatable.[/indent][/color] [indent]Andrew is quite the decent guy, save for the know-it-all attitude that comes with an exception brain capacity. Usually, he's more on the neutral side when it comes to dealing with problems, often serving as the mediator. After all, panicking is merely a waste of time. A logician and aspiring chemical engineer-to-be, Andrew has quite the knack for figuring out what to do in times of desperation.[/indent] >Relationships are null and void. The poor boy has no experience with romance. >He's cool with his parents tho. [/indent] [/centre] [/hider] [/quote] I like him. Accepted. [quote=@Kraven] [hider=Kenneth Milligan] [img]https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/10353548_10153092503917431_1535815394997349813_n.jpg?oh=1cff01f44fe424c5039624766316a2c3&oe=57D1CD37[/img] Name: Kenneth James Milligan Nickname(s): K.J. Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: K.J. is approximately 5'11' and weighs about 165 lbs. Most of his weight shows in hit stomach and face. He tends to keep his hair short. He is usually seen wearing his Auburn hoodie, Auburn shorts, and Orange and Navy blue Nikes. Personality: K.J. is an outgoing, warm, supportive, and friendly type of person. He tends to want to please others as best as he possibly can. When doing something K.J. tends to be practical, thorough, and consistent and organized. History: Growing up K.J. lived in southern Alabama and spent most of his time enjoying games and dreaming of going to college, getting a degree in game design and becoming a game tester. At 14 those dreams had been shattered when he was diagnosed with cancer. after two years and 3 fights he gave up on the idea. After a few years of recuperating he eventually moved on. Relationships: Single [/hider] sorry if it sucks. Haven't done this in quite a while so my thought's are a little awry. [/quote] Hey man. He looks good, but I can't really accept this. The RP is going to be around mid-to-high casual, so I'm not sure if you can match that. Really original dude, though. I've legit never seen a character with cancer before. Alright, to everyone: I liked all of your characters. A bit of a sausage-fest, but eh, it's chill. I'm going to work on my character some more and then probably take a nap, but we can still discuss stuff before I pass out.