Well, it surely has been a fun time. Nearly reached my Yearly Target before coming to this decision, nevertheless this will be a decision that will benefit everyone. I, unfortunately, have gotten into many different things, hobbies and work mostly. Education is starting to build up, obviously, and so the GCSEs will approach, as only today they've started. So, before I go into more detail of my departure...I'll share my incredibly correct timeline of events worth mentioning: [Hider=My List 'n' stuff.]- I started in this site with the same username. Always liked it, always will. [Though t'was nearly changed to [b]ThatBellend[/b] because it's more suitable. - I've racked up a total of 9 RPs Hosted, all failed. This is an important reason to my departure. - I've brought four friends to the site, all of which have gone their own ways in it for the better. - I've taken part in 11 Roleplays that weren't mine. Most of these were disbanded, bit the two currently up I really need to apologise to for the decision. - I once caused a major argument by calling someone out for plagiarism, which lead to three people sending me death threats and suicide threats. Whoopee-Doo. - I probably have pissed off more people than I have pleased. - I tried to reboot a RP that the GM had made after he had a real-life issue to tackle. Unless anyone says otherwise, this is the only good deed I've ever done. [/hider] I'm not a great person, now that I look back at it, mainly because I've been a shit GM, an inactive roleplayer, part-time bullshitter and disruptor of happiness. I'll consider this a gift to the website. To go into more specification, I have got into new hobbies (It's not a phase mum.) like Voice Acting and More expansive Musical practices, as well as having an increase in Cadet activity. There's also a huge factor I've noticed on here. This will be common for many, but I've never been in a Successful Long-Running roleplay, whether it's mine or another's. I just want to say, I've really been appreciative of those concepts others have made and give them all my respect for their construction. And at that, I bid thee web-followers a farewell. It's been a good run. I may return on the years to come, but until then you can celebrate. This is LetMeDoStuff, doing my cringey and cliched exit quote.