[center][img=100,100]http://s32.postimg.org/x7g6ka9hh/suicide_test_140730.jpg[/img][/center] Cecily's hands were steady as she added samples of the victim's blood to each of the individual containers. The businessman's death had been unexpected -- but then again, that was true with most of the deaths sent to the forensic team. The spectrophotometer behind her had been most helpful in isolating the likely killer -- mercury poisoning -- yet that alone wouldn't be enough. Still, this was where her job ended. Placing the little vials in a rack, she handed them over to another technician, who quickly scribbled his name on the accompanying sheet of paper, releasing Cecily from responsibility towards the vials. Exiting the laboratory, she checked her watch -- it was only 7:40 AM. She'd been called into work early that morning -- or rather, late that night -- and hadn't got a wink of sleep. If she didn't love her work, she doubtlessly would have complained. Her battered up impala awaited her in the parking lot, and she climbed into it, rubbing her eyes before inserting her keys. Sometimes, she'd forget whether or not she'd washed her hands afterwards -- it made her wonder how much blood would show up on her steering wheel. No matter. She drove home, only to groan and hit her head against the wheel when she remembered what day it was. It was the day of the infamous block party, in which any possibility of sleep was quickly forgotten. Grumbling, she parked and turned off her car, only to catch an eyeful of her neighbors running around like fools. She could see them looking up at something, but she didn't care to know. She just wanted some goddamn sleep. After dodging her neighbors, she made it up the stairs and into her tiny little apartment. Collapsing onto the sofa, she heard a crinkle beneath her -- and felt like sobbing, as she recognized it as being one of her favorite comic books. "Fucking hell," Cecily muttered, jumping up and attempting to assess the damage to the comic book. "This is just great." The front cover had torn, yet she was far too sleepy to do anything about it. Tossing the book aside, Cecily rolled over and attempted to shut out the rest of the world, almost daring anyone to disturb her. God help them if they did.