[center][img]http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab20/XxKayla36xX/Kiara.png[/img] [h1]&[/h1][img]http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab20/XxKayla36xX/Sulleykaar%20-%201.png[/img][/center] [center][h2]Eagle’s Peak, [url=http://favim.com/orig/201104/08/Favim.com-14972.jpg]Spirit’s Crossing[/url][/h2][/center] They walked back towards the mountain along the a trail that turned into a fork down the road. To the left, was Dovahmere - a place that Sulleykaar didn’t plan to go to for quite some time, if ever again with Kiara around. The second lead to Spirit’s Crossing, a sort of naturally made forest opening with a creek that gently ran down a tier level hill, surrounded by trees and foliage with beautiful rare flowers and berries. At the top of the tier, was a willow-like [url=http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=avatar+spirit+tree&view=detailv2&id=D8C1F87170FDCC46532ED3B58A1720E8AD21D7C0&selectedindex=24&ccid=GSdERmlL&simid=608005265164734443&thid=OIP.M19274446694b4b30092893cb60fe1e27H0&mode=overlay&first=1]tree[/url] This was known as The Spirit of Eagle’s Peak. The sound of water trickling over the pebbles and down to the next part of the miniature waterfall tickled the ears as the birds and other animal life made it feel more alive. Kiara walked beside Sulleykaar rather quietly. She was still upset with him, but not willing to be vocal about it. Her silence would speak more volumes, as it was rare. She snuggled up in the oversized robe and looked around as she walked. The scenery was gorgeous, rivaling that of her own home. Was he bringing her here for training, or as an apology? [color=9e0b0f]”I think this will be the perfect spot to practice. Though, I should give you a warning.”[/color] He spoke calmly as he glanced at her before walking over and resting on a nearby rock. Kiki smiled at him. A warning about what? This seemed lovely so far… and then she remembered that the last time he lured her into feeling content, he had trapped her in ice for hours straight. She narrowed her eyes and kept her guard up this time. [color=9e0b0f]”The point of this exercise and the way I have to teach it will get on your nerves...pun intended.”[/color] A muffled chuckle from his own corny joke. [color=gray]”When don’t you get on my nerves?”[/color] she retorted and smirked. Well, she could recall at least [i]one[/i] time that he didn’t. [color=9e0b0f]”Please...I hardly get on your nerves.”[/color]. He got up off the rock and moved towards the tree where there was a much nicer and larger boulder that rested underneath of it. He gestured for her to come over to the boulder and sit down. When he touched it, invisible to the naked eye, magic coursed through it. Sulley then sat on the rock and crossed his legs as he rested his hands on his legs and closed his eyes. Kiara smirked and crossed her arms. [color=gray]”Oh no, I might be a brat and a bitch as you said, but you know I’m not that stupid. That’s not going to work again.”[/color] she said, rather proud of herself for not succumbing to the temptation of snuggling up in such a pretty place. [color=9e0b0f]”You’re a brat but not a bitch, you [i]do[/i] bitch but you’re not [i]a[/i] bitch. Now...The earlier we start this, the quicker I can teach you some basic magic, and maybe some new moves.”[/color] He opened an eye and peeked over at her. She still hadn’t moved from her spot. [color=9e0b0f]”Fine...Have it your way then.”[/color] With that, he snapped his fingers, the ground seemed to tremble as the the trees shook. From beneath her, like a viper, vines - magically infused with Sulley’s magick - wrapped around her ankles and dragged her into the ground up to knee height before another set shot out and wrapped around her arms, yanking her backwards onto the grass. They tightened with every bit of resistance she gave. Then what the weirdest part was, the ground seemed to ripple as she began to move towards him and the boulder. Vines carved their way over to him but filled in the earth behind them as they moved, as if the ground hadn’t been touched at all. It took some time but eventually they lifted her up and onto the boulder, a few tingly zaps to her bottom and soon enough she was magnetically stuck to the boulder. Kiara struggled in the vine’s grip. [i]’This insufferable bastard…’[/i] she thought, jerking this way and that, only to have the vines tighten around her ankles and torso. How dare he try to use her own element against her? Just as she was about to retaliate, she felt herself being pulled forward through the earth. And just like that, he had spelled her to the boulder, as she’d thought he would. At least she had her pride this time, but that didn’t keep her from glowering at him. He went to say something witty and possibly annoying but instead closed his mouth and smiled. [color=9e0b0f]”Next time I’ll just ask nicely for you to come with me. Though, knowing that you're as stubborn and hard-headed as me, you won’t.”[/color] He grinned before taking on a more teacher-like posture. [color=9e0b0f]”Now. I want you to close your eyes and focus in on the water, the flow of it, the trickling of the waterfalls, and focus only on that.”[/color] He he spoke calmly as he took a deep breath of his own and closed his eyes. Kiara looked at him inquisitively. That was it? Surely she didn’t need to be spelled to a boulder to do [i]that[/i]. Regardless, she closed her eyes and exhaled. There were many sounds in the forest, it was hard to focus on just one, but Kiara picked it out. The trickling of the waterfall, it was like a childhood lullaby, the sound of-- [i]Thwack[/i] The vine retracted from the side of her head and returned to the ground. It was as if the ground never moved from his position. Kiara jumped and her eyes snapped open, shattering the vision in her mind. [color=gray]”Hey!”[/color] [color=9e0b0f]”Hm?”[/color] He cracked open and eye and frowned. [color=9e0b0f]”Kiara, concentrate on the water please.”[/color] he said calmly as he closed his eye again. He seemed to fall into a deep trance as he sat there. [color=gray]”But--- hrrng…”[/color] she started to protest, but it fizzled out into a grumpy sound. Kiara closed her eyes and let out another sigh/exhale. The water, the water…. Yes, the sound was like the memory of sunny days with the selkies... and taking-- [i]Thwack thwack[/i] Once again the vines disappeared into the ground and Sulley remained unmoved, nor did it seem like he was paying any attention to it. Kiara didn’t jump or make any noise this time, but it still jarred her thoughts. [color=9e0b0f]”I said concentrate…”[/color] He stated with a hint of annoyance. [color=gray]”I am! Quit it!”[/color] she hissed through her teeth. Sunny days with the selkies and taking naps in her bedroom. The stream that ran through the castle sounded just like that. She was even starting to feel sleepy because of the familiarity of the white noise. [i]Thwack.. thwack-thwack thwack[/i] [color=gray]”GODS! Can you stop?!”[/color] she screeched and glared at him with a tinge of red clouding her steel-colored eyes. [color=9e0b0f]”I’m enjoying the peaceful ambience of the forest. You’re distracting me from it.”[/color] He said as he exhaled. [color=gray]”NO! [b]You’re[/b] distracting [b]me[/b]!”[/color] she accused, totally abandoning the exercise. [color=9e0b0f]”I’m not distracting you…”[/color] He cracked open a lazy eye and frowned. [color=9e0b0f]”[i]You[/i] are distracting [i]you[/i]...I’m teaching.”[/color] She rolled her eyes and huffed out an angry breath. She pinched her eyes closed again. [i]Thwack[/i] Sulley’s mouth twitched into a smile momentarily before returning to a calm relaxed position. Her body was rigid at first, but she slowly started to relax. She tried to focus not only at listening to the water, but trying to imitate it. Water doesn’t throw a fit when something gets in it’s way, it just moves around it. She would ignore Sulley’s irritations to the point where she didn’t notice them. [i]ThwackThwackThwackThwackThwackThwackThwack[/i] The intensity of the vines increased. If she managed to fully block them out, she would be able to pass this simply annoying but effective test. Where was the water going? Where was it coming from? The young artist painted a picture in her mind of what the stream and waterfall might look like, based only on the sounds it made. [color=9e0b0f]”Good Kiara. Keep it up. You’re doing great.”[/color] She had steeled her body to the whips of the vine, but not Sulley’s voice. She opened her eyes and smiled at the praise, breaking her concentration. [color=9e0b0f]”Now I want you to bring your attention to my voice and just listen to my words.”[/color] Kiara pinched her eyes closed again. [i]’Oops’[/i] she thought to herself and tried to get back into it. [i]Thwack[/i] [color=9e0b0f]”I want you to think of those things that irritate you, that agitate, that really get under your skin and I want you to let them float away. Don’t break concentration on the water but let it guide you.”[/color] He said within another exhale. Kiara did as she was instructed, trying to flow like the water. Thinking of things that irritated her mostly involved Sulleykaar, as his transgressions were the most fresh in her mind. Her brow furrowed as she frowned, letting go wasn’t so easy, it went against her nature. [color=9e0b0f]”I know I haven’t been the kindest or most endearing teacher, but I am looking out for you and your family and those in the queendom. What I did to you and your family was wrong...and I don’t ever expect you to forget about it or to forgive me...but for now those emotions will have to be put aside if not removed entirely. After this is all over...If what you said to me at the lake still stands, I will gladly accept my fate.”[/color] He said somewhat somberly, though he figured that she had the idea at this point on what to do, so he felt it was right to say what he needed to say. Kiara tried not to listen to his words and instead focused on her task. Like he said, if she passed this, he would teach her more. She wanted to learn more, she wanted to be able to protect herself. So, she let it go… there was a change in the air that one could feel as the tension in her was released. Kiara watched it leave, down the waterfall and off the edge of the planet in her mind. It made her feel… [i]tired[/i]. She might have even started to doze off. The relaxed look on Sulley turned to a grin as he opened his eyes, the vine’s torrent slowly died out as the magnetic pull from the rock ceased. He brought two fingers up to her forehead and laid them against her briefly before he tapped her forehead. [color=9e0b0f]”Wake up, sunshine!”[/color] he singsonged. Kiara startled [color=gray]”Hmm? What?”[/color] She blinked a few times and then smiled. His was a handsome face to open your eyes to. There were a few moments of silence before she asked, sheepishly: [color=gray]”Did I pass?”[/color] [color=9e0b0f]”You have only one last thing to learn before I teach Old Scale to you but-”[/color] With a bright smile on his face, he hopped off the rock and walked over to the water. Kiara smiled eagerly and slipped off after him. The hem of the robe dragged behind her as she followed. Sulleykaar’s hand glowed a bluish-white as he tapped the water and, like a whip, snapped his hand outwards towards the sky. A jaded ice pillar, with almost crystallized, dagger-like points protruded from all sides of it. He then stomped the ground and said pillar was heaved into the air. While it floated for half a second, he spun with lightning speed and precision as he hit the back end of it, a blast of wind followed behind it as the pillar shot off like a bullet into the sky. As he watched it disappear he turned to her and smiled. [color=9e0b0f]”Let’s begin learning some magic shall we?”[/color] He raised a brow and smiled, his arms crossed but relaxed. Kiara quirked an eyebrow. Magick? He was going to teach her something other than this ‘Old Scale’... she’d never heard of such a thing. She had magick, of course, all faeries did… maybe this was something special, or different. [color=gray]”Okay~”[/color] she said excitedly, bouncing on her heels. [color=9e0b0f]”What do you know of magic?”[/color] He asked her, trying to get a feel for what she understood and what she knew about it. He raised an inquisitive eyebrow. [color=gray]”I only really know about mine… it’s old magick. My professors said that elementals use some of the oldest forces out there, it’s connected to our souls. And…”[/color] she paused and looked up to the sky where the pillar had gone. [color=gray]”My [i]emotions[/i].”[/color] she said, mocking his judgemental tone. He rolled his eyes at the sarcastic remark, letting her slide this time. [color=9e0b0f]”Magick also does not just come from the soul…”[/color] He reach his hand out loosely as light gathered from the air. It gave off a light ring before he flicked his fingers, letting the light disperse into the air. [color=9e0b0f]”Yes...Old magick, I’m very familiar with it. A lot of the magick I do is old magick. But there is other magick out there and this comes from your surroundings. It’s not….old magick, where it can be conjured up out of the blue like so-”[/color] He snapped his fingers as a small flame burst forth from the snap and rested on his hand. Flickering back and forth from the wind. [color=9e0b0f]”But there is elemental manipulation. Using what is already created and bending it to your will. Fire, water, wind, earth, light and darkness. They can all be manipulated. They can all bend to the will of the user. It just rests on imagination.”[/color] He cocked his head to the side. [color=9e0b0f]”Your quickness to anger, your stubbornness...I would say that fire and earth are your fortes, hm?”[/color] He said as he walked a few feet from her, facing her direction. Kiki frowned slightly and shook her head. [color=gray]”No, just earth. My mother was a fire elemental though… my birth mother.”[/color] she replied and then a ghost of a smile appeared on her lips. [color=gray]”Father says I’ve got her personality, and her hair.”[/color] she pinched a red curl in her fingers and then released it. He deadpanned. [color=9e0b0f]”Yeah. That definitely is your mother’s. Your father from what I’ve seen is nowhere near as hot-headed as you are…”[/color] He sighed and raised his brows. She giggled at his remark. That was indeed one of the ways that she and Cynbel were nothing alike, they had their similarities, though. [color=9e0b0f]”Then that’s what we’ll start you off with today…”[/color] He interlocked his fingers and rested his hands at his waist. [color=gray]”Okay… but…. There’s no fire around?”[/color] she said in a question statement hybrid. She would need flames if she was supposed to try to manipulate them, wouldn’t she? The most mischievous, sadistic, and creepy smile he had ever given her was now, upon his face, as he let out an eerie chuckle. [color=9e0b0f]”Do you know what I was called before you and I went off to train?”[/color] He asked as the center of his chest up to his throat slowly glowed a dark orange and red. The next sentences had fire dripping out of his mouth and onto the ground, burning the area around him to nothing but ash. [color=9e0b0f]”I was the Wyrm of Fire, prophesied to scorch the earth with hellfire - flames so hot that they could obliterate the souls of the dead.”[/color] His little spell began. As he took in a hefty breath. [color=9e0b0f]”We will start with simply blocking it. Imagine creating a wall in front of you...Otherwise you’ll get burnt. Dragon Fire, especially from me, carries a different kind of heat. Heat backed by magick, so get ready..”[/color] [color=gray]”Woah, woah, wait!”[/color] she held up her hands defensively [color=gray]”Can’t I, practice first, or something… I happen to really like the way I look. Like this. Not burnt.”[/color] she asserted. He looked looked at her with a cocked eyebrow of confusion before shrugging. [color=9e0b0f]”I think, when it comes to magick...The best way to learn is by doing.”[/color] He smiled before getting serious as a torrent flame shot towards her. Not at her, but off to the side slightly. Kiki’s eyes widened and she threw her arms up to block her face. When she did, a huge pillar of stone rose from the earth between Sulley and herself. The flames didn’t hit it, though, they went off to the side. The flames shot passed her with a massive roar. Sulley’s eyes glowed amber as he brought his hands in front of him and seemed to grip the air as he yanked down and to the side of him. The tail end of the flame passed Kiara with a slight crackle but behind her the sound of the flames shifting could be heard as they came barreling towards her from behind like a serpent on its prey. They would come close enough to singe her but not engulf her. He wanted her to take control of them. [color=9e0b0f]”You’re your mother’s child. You have the capabilities of controlling this. Fire is an untamable animal but it can be manipulated to a user's advantage! Earth will stop it in its tracks, water will snuff it out…”[/color] He was telling her the answer on how to do this. There was a flash of fear in her eyes as she turned and backed up against the stone pillar she made. The flames had turned around and she once again put up her arms to block it. Just before the fire reached her, it hit a wall and spread out to either side perpendicular to it. Her eyes were wide, unable to tell if she did that, or if Sulley stopped it before it could hurt her. Either way, she was grateful and let out a deep exhale. [color=9e0b0f]”Good...Again.”[/color] Another stream of fire escaped his mouth and barreled towards her, this time, slightly closer than before. She repeated her actions and blocked the flame again. A wide smile peeled across her face and she laughed gleefully. This was the most fun training had been yet. This had gone on for a little while, slowly moving the full stream closer and closer to her until it was directly on top of her. He had congratulated her for her effort and begun to randomize where it came from or he would have it change directions at the last moment to help keep the unpredictability. For the most part, Kiara kept up with the changes. Once, though, she didn’t catch it in time and the flames scorched her left elbow, to which he was willing to stop for a second for her to regain herself. She insisted that she was fine and they keep going, but it hurt like hell; She’d never been burned before. They picked it back up and even Sulley was enjoying himself, finding himself laughing in joy of her progress. [color=gray]”Hahaha, more!”[/color] Kiara demanded playfully and swished her bony hips, twisting and turning to dodge. [color=gray]”I want to learn more! Teach me something else?”[/color] This time it was less of a demand and more of a bright-eyed question. Those eyes were now a new color for Sulleykaar to see, a glittering yellow with flecks of pink. The longer she looked at him, the more pink there would be, the longer she danced around dodging fire, the more yellow, but both colors were always present. Kiara darted away and peeked out from behind the other side of the huge willow-like tree, giggling. [color=9e0b0f]”You can dodge them but now I want you to bend them to your will! Use the wind to bend them!”[/color] He responded as he forced his hands forward and let the flames fly. Kiara wasn’t sure how to bend them. Blocking came easy, as it was defensive. She was pretty good at forcing her will on people, maybe flames could be similar. The next time she rose her hands, she focus not on making a wall, but on pushing the flames back towards Sulley. It worked…. For a little while, and then they shot back towards her and she had to duck out of the way. As they passed over her, he took the reigns again. [color=9e0b0f]”Be the wind and change its direction!”[/color] The fire seemed to slow down mid air before violently returning to its original target, Kiara. [color=gray]”Be the wind…”[/color] she repeated to herself and gestured widely with her arms. She imagined wrapping the flames up into a whirlwind. She imagine it, and so it was. With a loud ‘woosh’ sound, the fire swirled up and to the left, twisting upwards toward the sky before blossoming out like a firework. Kiara was was so excited she clapped her hands together and looked over to Sulleykaar for her ‘atta girl’. His grin was wide now as he watched the fire raise to the air and showered into a fire flower. An idea struck him and he stood there for a moment and watched the flower of flames disperse in the air. The dragon reeled back again as another, much large torrent of dragon fire spewed out of his mouth but instead of traveling towards her, he shot it upward and gathered it into a small ball as he closed his hands. His claws came back to the center of his chest interlocked together, the tips of his fingers rolled into each other. A minute or two passed as he locked eyes with hers. [color=9e0b0f]”Dodge, manipulate and dodge again. I want you to evenly distribute how you take these on and believe me -- I will [i]not[/i] go easy.”[/color] He stated as his hands stretched out wide. [color=gray]”Wouldn’t want you to, Kitten.”[/color] she retorted, crouching in preparation. [color=9e0b0f]”Then here it comes, Vo Hahdrim!”[/color] The fire flickered and rolled over itself as it formed into a massive wall of flames behind him. With the snap of his fingers the wall burst into one hundred smaller serpent-like tendrils aimed directly for Kiara. Kiara looked up wide-eyed as the fire literally started raining down on her. Her first reaction was to block the strikes, so she did. She remembered that she was supposed to be alternating, so she tried to incorporate more manipulation. Block, manipulate, block, repeat. The strikes were coming so rapidly that she physically could not stop moving. She was spinning like a violent ballet dancer, the flames twirling around her like a cocoon before they dissipated in bursts. A couple of shots broke through the windwall barrier she had formed, flames licking angrily at her feet. She yelped and narrowly avoided getting burned again. Kiki tried to remember her training, to concentrate, and she focused only on the flames; Not her pain, or her exhaustion, but on controlling the fire completely. It seemed like hours had passed once the last fireball was slung back toward the sky. The faerie stared up as the ball of fire shattered into tiny fizzles of flame at her behest. Her small chest rose and fell in heavy pants as the exhaustion started to weigh down on her. She tried to say something, but she was breathing too heavily to form words. Kiara looked over to Sulleykaar reluctantly, half expecting him to challenge her further. Sadly, she was right, as a single fireball was shot low in her direction. However, the vines from earlier wrapped around her leg and yanked backward. With the fireball’s path and the vine’s now intervening, she would get a face full of dragon fire. Of course he wouldn't stop there. Sulley had stayed at a distance for most of the training, but now thought it would be a good time to get in close. He sprinted to the side of the fireball, touching it with his fingertips as the soon were engulfed by his own flames and transferred them to his second hand and his feet. Now, with flaming claws and feet, he rushed in towards her, leaping into the air with his foot high up, ready to come crashing down with an heated axe kick. Kiara stopped the fireball just before it struck her and jolted it down toward the vine that had anchored her foot down. The vegetation sizzled away and Kiara commanded the fire back up. Sulleykaar had taken some of the flames and coated his hands and feet. She tried to do the same thing, but he interrupted her by leaping into the air and crashing down to kick her. The faerie rolled away and guided what was left of the flames to follow her. She pulled them to her own hands and feet as she stood up. Kiki sprinted at the dragon with her flaming fists poised to throw punches. Unlike his, however, she hardened her own into the strength and density of obsidian, masked by the flames. At this point, she was on about her third wind, and wasn’t certain how much longer she could keep at it. He watched her as she rolled away only to chase after his student, leaping back when she had gotten back up and sprinted towards him. He readied himself and Kiara reeled back, slugging him directly in his chest with her right hand. The loud [i]crack[/i] it made rang through the quiet serenity of the area, like two boulders colliding. The flames around that fist flared out it when it connected. He felt the impact rattle his body, but there was no time to think of the pain. He instinctively, as she retracted, bent her wrist down and back as he chopped in between her joint, causing it to look like a rigid snake. Kiara cried out as the bones in her wrist were bent painfully in the wrong direction. He stepped inward with his left foot behind hers and lifted the back of her knee upwards and twisted his body to the side and down, causing her to sprawl outward on the ground. [color=gray]”Oof--Ahh! … hehh… hehh.”[/color] The rocky earth was suddenly pressing into her back. Her wrist was figuratively on fire and she pathetically slapped the flames off of her left hand against Sulleykaar’s side as he loomed over her. Her chest rose and caved wildly as she looked up at him. [color=gray]”Hehh…”[/color] she panted and smiled up at him through, or even because of, the pain. [color=9e0b0f]”You did well, Vo Hahdrim...I guess we will it call it quits for now and just enjoy--”[/color] Kiara hooked her free hand behind his head and gripped a fistful of his hair. She pulled him down and herself up to crush her lips against his. The kiss didn’t last long, as she had to pull away to catch her breath from the exertion. Her nerves were dancing beneath her skin, electric with the adrenaline of the fight, her eyes were mostly pink now with flecks of golden yellow. [color=9e0b0f]”The…..ambience….”[/color] His words faltered slightly as he locked eyes with hers. Hers were so interesting, always changing shades and hues, and he had never really asked much about them. He plopped down next to her and looked towards the special tree. [color=9e0b0f]” Your eyes, why do they always change, hm? I feel like it deals with things you experience, but I can’t figure out what. Emotions perhaps?”[/color] He glanced over at her. Kiara rolled over onto her strong elbow to face him, propping her head up and sweeping those eyes in question along him before bringing them to meet his gaze. [color=gray]”Perceptive.”[/color] she noted. [color=gray]”All elemental fey have eyes like mine. It is connected to our emotions, just like our magick. I’ve never seen them actually change…” she blinked and then smiled. [color=gray]“What color are they now?”[/color] Kiara asked curiously. [color=9e0b0f]”How about I show you.”[/color] he said smoothly as his eyes let off a white smokey fume. He brought his hands up to either side of her temple and drew them back to his own. An ectoplasmic like string tugged against her skin as he attached it to his own temple. [color=9e0b0f]”Dovahyah”[/color] And with those words, her vision became his as he looked into her eyes. Kiara watched as her own eyes widened in awe. [color=gray]”Woah!”[/color] she remarked, even more surprised to be able to see her own lips moving. It was like some crazy out of body experience. She studied the color of her eyes. They were almost all yellow now. [color=gray]”Can you make them change?”[/color] she asked and reached up to touch his cheek. But it looked like her cheek from this view. How wonderfully strange... He smiled at her, though she wouldn’t see it as he leaned into her, studying her eyes for a moment before placing a curved index finger under her chin. He lifted her face up towards his as he gently pressed his lips against her’s, his eyes never closing for her to see. It was a bizarre feeling to kiss herself. Of course, it only looked like she was, she still felt with her own body. The yellow in her eyes darkened and shifted shades closer to pink. She watched the color shifting with the same awe that she looked at most shiny things. He pulled away and looked her up and down, forgetting that she could see what he saw. Kiara giggled at how silly she looked in the robes. She figured she looked goofy, but that blatant up-down glance confirmed it. [color=9e0b0f]”You really do look like little girl playing dress up…”[/color] He teased. To that, she smirked and shrugged one shoulder out of the robes. [color=gray]”A little girl, huh?”[/color] she asked playfully. He cocked his head to the side before deciding to lay on his back. [color=9e0b0f]”Not now Kiara… I would like to enjoy a moment without you trying to jump into my proverbial pants.”[/color] He sighed as he glanced over at her, his hands resting behind his head with his legs crossed. Kiara sighed in a pout and rolled onto her back as well, waiting to have her own vision back. It was disappointing, but probably for the best… she was tired. [color=gray]”Thanks for today.”[/color] she said uncharacteristically. Yesterday’s Kiara would have held a pathetic grudge about not getting what she wanted. Today’s Kiara was patient, for the time being, at least. [color=9e0b0f]”I told you I would train you, and I didn’t lie about that. Next time I’ll show you some water techniques.”[/color] He looked over at her before a twitch came across his mouth. [color=9e0b0f]”And, if you're not exhausted, maybe we could have some other fun...Maybe...I only hope you can last longer than last time, hmhmhmhmhmhm.”[/color] He gave a deep muffled chuckle, releasing his hold on her vision. Kiara smirked at the taunt. [color=gray]”I’ll have to work on it… I’ve got a good teacher, so it shouldn’t take long.”[/color] Kiki sat up and inspected the burn on her left elbow. She winced as she twisted it to get a better look. She stood up and walked over to the trickling stream beside the willow tree. Kneeling down, she scooped up some of the water and poured it over her burn. [color=9e0b0f]”Dragon fire is the realm's’ hottest fire, but you were lucky I only used that instead of my infamous Hellfire. [i]That[/i] pain would be tenfold, and I feel like I could guarantee the heat would’ve been enough to peel flesh from bone.”[/color] He stood up and made his way over to her. Kiara lifted her head and made a face he couldn’t see from behind. [i]‘Braggart’[/i] she thought before flicking her right wrist and opening up a large crack in the earth beneath his feet for him to fall in. He could feel the ground giving way and looked at her, perplexed, as he slid with the parting earth, bringing him to a point where his legs were parallel to the ground. [color=9e0b0f]”That wasn’t very nice.”[/color] He said with a smirk as he flicked his own wrist, causing the water next to her to shoot off into her face like a jetstream. She coughed and giggled, swatting the water away. [color=gray]”You talk too much. I’m just trying to enjoy the ambience.”[/color] she mocked him, smirking over her shoulder. She pinched her fingers together and closed the crevasse before standing up and tearing a hem of the robe off to wrap around her elbow. He laughed at her attempt to mock him from what he said earlier only to uncharacteristically gasp at the sound of the hem ripping. [color=9e0b0f]”M-M-M-My robe…”[/color] he squeaked, his eye twitching in the process. Training was going to be now doubled for that, and it would start with a nice [i]long[/i] jog tomorrow followed by some weight lifting and other [i]fun[/i] fun things. He returned to normal as he coughed to get her attention. Kiara looked at him curiously, slowly winding the fabric around her elbow. She had to use her teeth to tie the knot. She was a princess, she deserved the finest of bandages for her wounds. [color=gray]”That’s how I felt about my arm. Maybe you should take better care of your [i]precious[/i] things.”[/color] she antagonized in Kiki fashion. He listened to her as he slowly stayed the twitching and just left a creepy smile on his face. [color=9e0b0f]”You’re absolutely right, Kiara. I will start taking better care of my [i]precious[/i] things bright and early tomorrow.”[/color] Kiara raised an eyebrow and shook her head. [color=gray]”I’ll fix it back at the den. Better than it was before, I promise. We should get you something to eat, though… wouldn’t want you to start looking like a skeleton.”[/color] [color=9e0b0f]”Or seeing you as an appetizer, hmhmhmhm”[/color] He quipped. [color=gray]”I’d make a much better dessert.”[/color] she fired back. [color=9e0b0f]”I was just thinking that.”[/color] He grinned. They both laughed at that and headed back on the path toward the den. Kiara peeked in bushes for fruits on the walk. She picked some that she recognized and some that she didn’t, offering them to Sulley in turn, which he accepted kindly, biting into the thick skin of the bright pinkish fruit. It was one that she hadn’t seen before. Seeing that he ate it safely, she took a bite of one herself. He described the different kinds of fruit and berries, some more sour than others, some sweeter, a few had a weird natural spice to them, but each one he knew the name of and what they were used for or what they went great with. He watched her reaction of one of the really bitter ones as her face scrunched up to the sourness of it, causing him to roar in laughter. Of course she got him back, shoving the extremely bitter berry in his mouth, causing a reaction just like hers. She covered her mouth as she giggled, her eyes glittering yellow once again. They arrived back at the den shortly after. Kiki looked up at him. [color=gray]”Not tempted to eat me anymore, right?”[/color] she smirked. With her stature, she wouldn’t make for much of a meal to any dragon. She was more like a pretty, red-headed toothpick... He looked over at her, the bitterness still in his mouth. [color=9e0b0f]”Not after that,brrrrrr.”[/color] He shuddered at the taste. [color=gray]”Good.”[/color] she chuckled, [color=gray]”That’s probably how I’d taste anyway.”[/color] Kiara smirked and then walked over to the edge of the cliff looking over the mountainside. [color=9e0b0f]”Believe me when I say… You taste [i]a lot[/i] sweeter than that, hmhmhmhm.”[/color] He said slyly, actually managing to get her to blush. Kiara sat down and dangled her legs over the edge, looking up at the stars. She frowned, remembering the necklace that looked like it belonged up in the night sky. [color=gray]”I’m pretty tired, I’d like to sleep soon.”[/color] Kiki peeked up behind her at the dragon. He looked upside down from this angle. She patted the ground next to her for him to join her. He sighed and moved his way over to her, soft eyes looking back at her. He plopped down next to her, his feet hung over the side as he looked down at the glowing fields. [color=9e0b0f]”Beautiful isn’t it?”[/color] more of a statement then a question. He sighed as he looked around, that nostalgia coming back to him. He glanced over. [color=9e0b0f]”I’m sorry about what happened in Dovahmere. I remember when it wasn’t such a tense area. Races of all kinds were allowed through easily, and made many great business ventures were there. It wasn’t until the Chil - the enemy - moved in and spread their influence over it.”[/color] He said apologetically. He turn his head to face her. [color=9e0b0f]”Ask me a question about my past and I shall answer.”[/color] Kiara studied his eyes and then looked up at the sky with her good arm behind her head. She thought about what she might want to know about him….. And she found herself wanting to know a lot. She’d settled on something, but debated asking, as it might make him upset. Kiki peeked back over at him again. His eyes widened slightly, awaiting her question. [color=gray]”He kind of looked like you. Well, more than kind of… is he your brother?”[/color] she asked, knowing that he would know exactly who she was talking about. He looked down towards the glowing fields and, for a moment, it seemed like he wouldn’t answer, until he gave a quick nod. [color=9e0b0f]”Paraxthyon is my twin, Dragon of Water, and he leads the intelligence corps as well as the armada. Now he also has to control the financial issues too. Heheheh. When we were born, the stark contrast of our scales showed our father and mother we would be destined to fight each other. And it was true, we did. We always did, because we could never outmatch each other, intelligence, charisma, endurance, magic adeptness, everything and anything we fought about.”[/color] He glanced over at her to see if she had any other questions about what he was talking about or if she wanted to know something else. Three lessons were completed today which meant three questions could be asked. Now two more remained. Kiara had closed her eyes while he spoke, listening to his story. She peeked an eye open when he stopped. [color=gray]”I always wished that I had a sibling. Maybe it’s for the better that I didn’t…”[/color] she studied him. [color=gray]”Is he your only brother?”[/color] she asked, knowing that some races had children quite easily. He shook his head and gave a light laugh. [color=9e0b0f]”No no, Kiki-”[/color] The first time he used a pet name since their trip. He raised a hand, holding up four fingers. [color=9e0b0f]”Not including myself I have four other siblings. One younger, my twin and two older. You would love my youngest brother. He’s a pain in my ass, but so are you. You two would get along nicely.”[/color] He teased. Kiara smiled at him. [color=gray]”Sounds like a perfect match. Maybe it’s best for you that I don’t meet him.”[/color] she chuckled to herself. She probably only had one question left now, so she considered it carefully. [color=gray]”What about your father? Is he still around?”[/color] she asked, already knowing about how he lost his mother from a couple of nights ago. He bit his lower lip before biting his tongue. [color=9e0b0f]”Yeah…”[/color] He said rather shortly as he looked to the forest left of the cliffside. Kiara looked over at him in his silence. She winced as she moved her arm to put her left hand on top of his softly. A flare of anger came from him. [color=9e0b0f]”I’d rather him be in my mother’s position…”[/color] She squeezed her fingers around his hand. She considered pushing the topic more, but he was more than cooperative with her questions, and she didn’t want to ruin that. [color=9e0b0f]”He sold my mother out, me and her had planned a coup in order to take down Ugin, but we found out that it was my father. Father was punished on the principle of guilty by association as well, but her and I… No...I was the one who had to kill her.”[/color] He looked over at her. [color=9e0b0f]”Father was forced to devour her after I killed her. That way he could always have her around as a memory of her travesty. My brothers and sisters, minus the youngest and I, did not care. We did, but could do nothing about it. This happened when I was 150 years old.”[/color] Kiara remained quiet, once again reminded of how old he was. Sulleykaar was literally one hundred times older than her, she really was like a child compared to him. She retracted her hand and looked up at the stars. She thought about saying something poetic, like, ‘maybe our mothers are up there now, proud of who we've become’, but those would be false words… His mother, and her soul, were gone forever. [Color=Gray]”Thank you for being honest with me. I am glad to know more about you… Even if some of it is sad.” Kiara looked at him, her eyes a light, they were a pretty, crystalline blue now.[Color=Gray]”We should get some sleep, my trainer is probably going to be a real hardass tomorrow.”[/color] she smirked and sat up to head for the den. He chuckled lightly as he nodded and watched her disappear into the den. He sighed as he stood up only to keel over by a sudden wave of pain. [color=9e0b0f]”Son of a-”[/color] The hit from earlier. The heavy blow from Kiara now taking its toll. [color=9e0b0f]”I would hate to be on the receiving end if that had dragon’s strength behind it…”[/color] He chuckled to himself as he regain his balance and headed back to the den. Once there, she slid off the robes and went through the things she had packed. She pulled out one of the finer dresses she had brought and tore off a strip of fabric to rehem the robes using glamour magick. It gave them a whole new look, a bit of natural beauty that complemented the gemstones well, just a touch of Kiki to a rather Sulleykaar-looking garment. She smiled at her work. He would probably still be mad, but she thought they looked even better now. She poked her way back into the darkness of the den and settled into the little nest she'd made last night, waiting for Sulley to join her. He was soon enough, in his dragon form as he moved beside her, creating a sort of defensive bed around her. His tail blocked the wind as he looked out towards the cliff side for a few moments before he closed his eyes. Outside the den, stalking above the mouth of the den, came a black form with red glowing eyes. They pierced the darkness and narrowed when catching sight of Sulleykaar and Kiara. [color=black]”SSSSSSSulleykaaaarrrrrr...You are up to no good aren’t youuu? Ugin will knoooow of your treeeACHERY!”[/color] It mumbled in a hissing growl as it leapt off the cliffside, taking flight towards Dovahmere. His movements silent as the night itself.