Avary Muse "Life is like a hole, it's dark and endless." [img]http://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mcfa833252736a4d491a9a4f2d1ee9583H0&pid=15.1[/img] Age: 13 Gender: Male Rich or Poor?: Poor Power Descriptions: Power of the Seven Deadly Sins (Religion, not anime) Skills: Hand to hand combat Personality: Avary is usually pretty dark and brooding, because of his being raised by a gang, and trying to be being killed by demons for most of his life. Since he's like this he usually doesn't make friends, and those who try to be his friend he pushes away. But he can sometimes be fun and mischievous if you break down his internal wall which rarely happens. So good luck with that. Biography: Avary was abandoned as a child by his mother, not intentionally, it was because she had to to protect Avary. He was taken in by a local gang and was raised to steal and con, but the one bright part in his life is is best friend/crush (Avary, "She and me are just friend, geez."), and recently, he died, but was brought back and he found out his parentage, his father was the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, Greed/Avarice. Likes: Pizza, Ren, his demonic and angelic friends, the good Demon Spawn. Dislikes: People, all other demons and angels, God, the Devil. Fears: None, that he has ever told anyone. Weaknesses: Losing his friends. Other: He has an Immortal Metal sword, Immortal Metal is one of the strongest materials in the worlds. Theme Song: [img]Hey Brother by Avicii[/img]