[sub]in collaboration with [@Ellion][/sub] [h1][center][u][i]"Reunion"[/i][/u][/center][/h1] Alyssa strolled happily through the gloomy woods for... the sixth day straight? She was getting tired of sleeping on the ground, but each step brought her closer to her goal. Her sister was out here, somewhere. Alyssa wondered how old the other witch was, a wrinkled grandma? A young maiden? In the end it didn't really matter, but it was about the only diversion that could be found in the miles and miles of woodlands she'd trekked through. Looking up at the stars she laughed wryly. [color=2e3192]"At least it isn't raining."[/color] Lotte awoke first wondering if Ash had wet the bed again because of how damp it felt. Instead of opening her eyes, she streatched out, seeking the confort of one of her sisters warmth...only to feel...leaves? Sitting up sharply, Lotte found herself not in the twin church bed she shared with Ash and sometimes Abby. But in the middle of the woods. A few twigs fell from her hair as she tried to rememeber what lead her to be there, but...it was just a lot of blackness, as though her brain was trying to make it difficult on purpse to rememeber how she came to be there. Lotte walked a few steps in either direction, alway a hundered before stopping, turning around and walking right back where she came from. It was a trick she used to use on the farm when she'd get lost. Usually, she just needed to change her point of view to find herself. But...it wasn't working this time. On about her fourth track, she noticed a woman walking about twenty yards away. Letting out a breath of relief, Lotte took off towards the woman, catching her just as she mentioned the rain. [color=FFF0F5] "Yeah, that would put a real damper on things," [/color] She looked at the woman before finishing up [color=FFF0F5]"Hi, I'm Lotte...do you know where I am?" [/color] Alyssa turned with a small start towards the small girl that had interrupted her thoughts. [color=2e3192]"Oh!"[/color] What was a little girl doing this far from civilization? She didn't look like a savage forest-dweller. [color=2e3192]"I'm Alyssa, and you're about four days travel from the nearest town."[/color] Pinching Lotte's cheek she giggled. [color=2e3192]"Aren't you cute! What could you possibly be doing all the way out here?"[/color] [color=FFF0F5]"Four days? From what town?"[/color] How was it possibly that she had traveled four days from the nearest known town (none the less from [i]her[/i] town). Lotte made a face, bushing the womans hand away lightly, before pacing around, trying her best to remember. [color=FFF0F5]"I have no idea what I am doing out here...but if you figure it out, or if you could point me in the direction of the church near Dothseberg, that would be lovely,"[/color] [color=2e3192]"Dothseberg!? Ooooh I see now, you're [i]that[/i] Lotte."[/color] Alyssa grinned brightly. [color=2e3192]"I don't suppose you remember a tall black shadow? With a weird voice that liked to [i]play[/i] with people? Mighta gone by Charon?"[/color] Lotte felt her face turn a bright red and looked down. [color=FFF0F5]" The preacher says that Charon doesn't exist and that I am evil to make up such lies,"[/color] She dug her bare toe into the dirt. [color=FFF0F5] "But I know Charon is real, he promised...me....something....if I did....something [/color]. Lotte's face crinkled up in consentration as she tried to recall what it was that ....Charon had done. But...she kept coming up blank. [color=FFF0F5]"...Oh well, so...can you help me get back ho-to the church?"[/color] [color=2e3192]"[i]The preacher[/i]"[/color] Alyssa spat with derision [color=2e3192]"is a sycophantic moron that still believes his infant god has real power. We both know better little one, I've spoken to Charon too."[/color] [color=2e3192]"I can take you home, or back to the church. You'll have to pick though."[/color] Alyssa grinned as she pointed the direction she'd been heading. [color=2e3192]"That way lies someone like us, my sister. She'll understand your gifts and help you grow. I think she'll make a lovely mommy for you dear. Or you can rejoin a world that will never understand you, and hate you for it."[/color] Tilting her head to the side Alyssa awaited the girl's answer eagerly. If she had the gift after all that would mean her legacy isn't in quite as dire straights as she'd believed. [color=2e3192]"What'll it be kiddo?"[/color] Lotte stared at Alyssa for a good long while, biting her lip as she tipped back on her heals. Truthfully, she'd rather wander these woods the rest of her life then every return to that church. The nuns were mean, and quick to cane and the preacher always called her evil. In fact, the only thing she'd be going back for were Abby and Ash. On top of that, this woman who also knew Charon to not only be real, but have talked with him herself, was offering her a chance to meet others like her. Lotte opened her mouth and then closed it again before speaking. [color=FFF0F5] "...I...would like to come with you to meet your sister...but....do you think she'd help me let my sisters know that I am okay. Abby has probably already worked herself into hysteria and Ash has probably been crying since she noticed me missing," [/color] Alyssa shrugged, but then nodded grinning. [color=2e3192]"She probably would, you're cute after all. I'd imagine if she can bind demons to her will that easily then she'd probably find some way to let your sisters know."[/color] Lotte's sisters were probably dead, but she didn't need to know that. Alyssa didn't particularly want to be the one to tell her either, sympathetic is not a word anyone would use to describe her. Alyssa gestured again in the direction she'd be heading before turning to continue her trek. [color=2e3192]"Come along then, let's not keep Lorelai waiting too long. She's not a terribly patient woman after all."[/color] [color=FFF0F5] Lorelai?"[/color] said Lotte, tipping her head to the side, thinking the name over before chasing after Alyssa. After a moment of walking behind her, Lotte reached out and took Alyssa's hand, giving her a wide smile. Alyssa grinned back at Lotte. She really was too cute, Lorelai would either eat her tongue for power, or fall in love immediately. For Lotte's sake she hoped for the latter. [color=2e3192]"Yup! The new matriarch of our bloodline little Lotte."[/color] They continued in companionable silence for several minutes before Alyssa broke the silence again. [color=2e3192]"I lost my family a decade or so ago. We're not so different in that regard Lotte. Lorelai's the last family I have, and you as well I suppose. I'm allowing myself to hope. To hope that she's as powerful and wise as we need her to be."[/color] Lotte kept smiling as they walked, even as Alyssa talked about losing her family. [color=FFF0F5] "It is okay if Lorelai isn't what you need, we can always be a family. We can go get my sisters and...do whatever it is that families do," [/color] [color=2e3192]"We could...?"[/color] Alyssa fell silent. She'd never given much thought to what would happen if Lorelai wasn't... whatever it was she expected her to be. Family huh? Looking down at Lotte Alyssa smiled. She supposed that could be fun, rewarding even. Anything beat the crushing loneliness she barely kept at bay most nights. [color=2e3192]"Yeah, we'll do that. You, your sisters, and me. That wouldn't be bad would it? I dunno what families do either, we'll have to figure it out together."[/color] Alyssa's smile was more genuine that it had been in years. [color=FFF0F5] "If Lorelai does work out, we'll have a huge family, and a nice house and an orange kitten named...Tree...Well, we can work on the name," [/color] Lotte had taken to skipping at this point stopping every once and a while to pick up a rock or look at a flower. Alyssa nodded grinning as her eyes followed Lotte's skipping. It was a pretty dream, not one she dared hope for herself though, reality had a nasty way of grounding such high hopes. [color=2e3192]"My! You've got it all planned out don't you? Will we live near a lake? Maybe with some woodlands nearby?"[/color] She giggled. [color=2e3192]"You'll spend your days running and laughing, and minding your new mommy of course. Learning magic over dinner and after nighfall. Won't that be lovely?"[/color] [color=FFF0F5] "New...Mommy?" said Lotte, stopping her skippinh for a moment and narrowing her eyes, as though trying to recall something. But then she shurgged and went on skipping. [color=FFF0F5] "Are you my new Mommy? You can be but I think you are too young and pretty to be a Mommy, more....like a big sister!" [/color] [color=2e3192]"Why thank you. I'll try to be the best big sister I can!"[/color] Alyssa laughed. [color=2e3192]"Lorelai would be you ne-"[/color] Alyssa fell silent as she spotted a woman in the clearing they'd come to. The aura of demonic energies meant this could be none other than Lorelai. She'd come so far in seach of this woman, so it was strange that now that she finally stood near her she was frozen. What now? Her voice was small as she turned to her companion. [color=2e3192]"There she is... I wonder if your pretty dream will come true after all."[/color] Lotte was still a few yards in front of Alyssa, doing her little skipping dance, but she stopped head in her tracks when Alyssa pointed out the woman across the clearing. Lotte tensed up, like a deer who sensed a preditor, then she took off running, towards Lorelai. Stopping right in from of her.[color=FFF0F5] "Hello Ma'am," [/color]she said, curtseying, beaming the whole time. [color=FFF0F5]"You're Lorelai, aren't you?"[/color] she asked, before rushing forward and wrapping her arms around Lorelai's waist in a hug. Lorelai's eyes widened as a small figure bolted across the clearing towards her. Before she could gather her thoughts she was being hugged by... a little girl? Who evidently knew her name and was elated - for some reason - to see her. She returned the hug briefly before kneeling down to the girl's height. [color=00aeef]"Yes I am dear. And who might you be? What brings you out here alone anyway?"[/color] She looked around for signs of her family. [color=FFF0F5]"I'm Charlotte Celeste Smart, you can call me Lotte, everybody does," [/color] Lotte looked out the corner of her eyes, trying to find the best way to answer the question. [color=FFF0F5]"Um, I don't really-- you I guess! And I'm not really alone...I mean, I guess I was when I woke up, but then I met your sister! Alyssa!...She...was...behind me?"[/color] she said, looking around, confused as to why Alyssa hadn't come with her. [color=FFF0F5] "She....is really excited to meet you![/color] said Lotte, taking Lorelai's hand and pulling her back towards the treeline. Alyssa swallowed her apprehension. She'd come all this way for this, she wasn't about to just freeze up and look like an idiot before her last remaining kin. Stepping into the clearing she smiled at the two. "I'm Alyssa Von'Strauss, and I've been searching for you a long time sister." Lorelai was stunned. Sister? All her family had died, burned at the stake during Hector's purge. Pulling Lotte to her side she prepared for what might be an ambush, she'd made plenty of enemies over the years, and Alyssa wouldn't be the first to come for her. "Speak in the tongue then." Alyssa opened her mouth and pledged her oath of service in that blackened speach. Lorelai's skin rippled as she heard someone else speak Dragon's Tongue for the first time. She broke into a bright smile as she replied in the same, accepting the other woman's oath. [color=00aeef]"And little Lotte here? What of her?"[/color] Lorelai relaxed her protective grip on the girl. Lotte felt as though her skinned tickled, as though someone had let out a breath of air acrossed it as her new 'big sister' spoke. A lot of what she said didn't make any sense. Well, the words made sense, but Lotte couldn't figure out what Alyssa was trying to say [color=FFF0F5]" What...is...a matriarch?" [/color] she asked, then looked up at Lorelai [color=FFF0F5]"Am...I welcomed too?" [/color] [color=00aeef]"Y-you understood that?"[/color] Lorelai was stunned for the second time today. Alyssa simply nodded grinning. Lorelai knelt again to look the girl in the eye. [color=00aeef]"Do you want to be home with me? Would you like to come live with me and learn about your heritage, and share in all the things I've learned?"[/color] She'd never dared to hope that such a thing could happen. A sister was a rare enough thing, and she was elated to have one. A daughter however? Someone to pass on her legacy to, someone to make the things she'd done take on a meaning they'd woefully lacked before? [color=00aeef]"Would you like to be a... family?"[/color] [color=FFF0F5] "Of course I understood, you were talking right infront of me,"[/color] she said giving Lorelai a semi-exasperated. Lotte seeemed to think Lorelai's offer over for a moment. exasperated"Will...you make me go to church? I don't like going to church." [/color] Lotte felt a warm bubble of happiness swell in her heart and then her stomach as she looked at Lorelai. She could tell that this woman was...good for her. She felt...right. Like...coming home. Lorelai grinned, her heart soaring. Even her spirit was reinvigorated by the presence of her kin, the corruptive pain twisting in her flesh weakening until it was hardly noticable. [color=00aeef]"No church, I don't like it either."[/color] She drew Lotte into a hug. The only thing that could've made this moment better would be sharing it with Vespa, but her love wouldn't want her dwelling on her loss when new purpose presented itself. Standing she took Lotte's hand. Smiling at Alyssa she gestured towards the carriages. [color=00aeef]"Come, we've much to talk about and I'd like to introduce you to my coven."[/color] Lotte took Lorelai's hand and did a mixture of skipping and hopping back towards the carriages. [color=FFF0F5]"Oh...Alyssa said...you might be able to....help me...contact my sisters, I'm certain that Abby has worked herself into a fit, she is such a worrier. And Ash...is either crying or hasn't noticed me.....being gone yet,"[/color] Alyssa grinned with pride as Lorelai nodded. [color=00aeef]"Of course, you'll have to wait until we get back to my scrying equipment though, then I'll be able to contact them no problem. They could even come live with us if you'd like."[/color] Alyssa cringed silently at Lorelai's carefree offer, if Charlotte had been contacted by Death... odds were not in favor of her sisters being alive. [color=FFF0F5] "Okay!"[/color] She paused for a moment, thinking a question over. [color=FFF0F5]"...Can I....Can I call you mom?" [/color] she asked, barely keeping the excitment out of her voice. Lorelai pulled open the door to her carriage for her two new companions. Turning to Lotte she answered the girl's question only after choking back tears of joy. [color=00aeef]"Yes you may dear, and if it pleases you I'll refer to you as my daughter then."[/color] [color=FFF0F5]" I'd like that a lot," [/color]